Raycap News

The Generation Gap And Green Energy

The Generation Gap And Green Energy

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Protection-of-Solar-Power-G09-00-001-2.pdf

If there is one thing that is assured, it is that different generations will not agree on many things. One of the primary catalysts for change is the discrepancy between the way older and younger people feel about the issues that impact them. This feeling gets intensified when the younger generation feels that the choices that the older generation made were poor, and ultimately had a negative impact on the future that is being inherited by that younger generation. A perfect example of this is the current situation regarding methods that energy is created and delivered. The younger generation is embracing and promoting green energy technology even though it was hardly embraced by the previous one. As a matter of fact, the new generation probably believes that the previous one purposely embraced methods of power production that they knew would harm future generations, in order to save a few dollars. The new generation is collectively angry about climate change and is doing something about it. By using the greatest weapon in their possession, the new generation is embracing the advantages that technology and activism can bring.

Past generations viewed solar power as a curiosity, but one that did not warrant much research and advancement since new technological breakthroughs can be expensive. As a result, solar power production methods became somewhat stagnant, essentially making use of the same technology for decades to create power, or making incremental advancements, but never viewed as a legitimate resource that could be used in place of fossil fuels. The lack of widespread interest probably stopped the innovation that could have advanced the industry further, and the result is that climate change is impacting all future generations of life on Earth. The next generation is looking at the issues that stopped the progress and addressing them technologically in order to make the advance they wanted to see happen. A perfect example of this is that the cost of production using solar power systems is now being driven down through more effective solar systems and the integration of preventative measures, such as surge protection devices. One of the identifiable issues with solar production has been the costly repair and replacement of equipment in the field, damaged by lightning strikes and resultant power surges. Through the development of more effective and less expensive solar panels to replace those that are inevitably damaged, as well as through very effective surge protection solutions that hinder the damage that comes from the surge that follows a lightning strike, the technology is driving down the costs associated with solar power generation. Once costs are driven below that of fossil fuels, a cheaper source of power will be available for the masses. Capacities are also increasingly using these same technological innovations, potentially making solar a viable method of powering an entire metropolitan area. The next generation is applying ingenuity to solve the issues that the past generation largely ignored, and the result will be the potential saving of the climate from global warming. Generational disagreements lead to difficulties during times of transition, but ultimately it is the way that progress is made. Embrace the future of solar power.