Raycap News

C-Band is Coming – Check Out the New 5G Small Cell Options

See the growing spectrum of 5G small cell site formats

The big news about the current FCC C-band spectrum auctions: wireless carriers and enterprises will be rolling out many new 5G services for individuals, businesses, and local governments.
The great news for city and county governments: 5G small cell sites are now available in a wide range of formats that are easier than ever to fit in with existing street furniture.

Check out your options in this infographic, Making a Spectrum of 5G Services Fit into Your Environment. You’ll get a quick overview of small cell enclosures that look good on, around, within, or discreetly nearby existing streetlight poles—all designed and manufactured by Raycap to include the required equipment and meet aesthetic requirements.
Download the infographic and see the possibilities.

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