Raycap News


5G Small Cell Sites Can Be Visually Appealing

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/streamline-your-rollout/

Concealment is the art of hiding something. There can be many reasons for concealment of equipment, the most appealing being the need for something to exist without the negative impact that its presentation could cause. A good example from the past of concealment are the power lines that feed every home and business. These power cables must come into contact with any structure that they are tasked with feeding power to, and the easiest method of doing so is to run power lines suspended in the air on poles, ultimately connecting them to homes and businesses. This suspension makes the lines easier to connect and work on, but ultimately dominates the visual landscape in order to achieve connectivity for everyone. Some areas desire to streamline the visual landscape by removing these types of items, but the disconnection of power is not an option to do so. As a result, the concealment efforts brought innovations that allowed the cables to be laid underground. Through the development of techniques and materials to service this new type of installation, power connectivity in these regions did not have to be disruptive or ugly.

The transition from 3G and 4G to 5G wireless communications involves the installation of a significantly increased amount of equipment with nodes that need to be positioned closer to one another and to users. This means that for a 5G signal to be useful to a person on the ground, the radiating equipment must be close to them at slightly higher than street level. In order to create an effective network 5G mmWave equipment must be installed within only one-tenth of a mile or so from another installation. This increase in the amount of equipment in order to achieve the goal of 5G connectivity would be visually shocking, and as a result the concealment industry has stepped up. The concealment industry is being led by companies like Raycap who with their STEALTH® line of concealment products are constantly developing new materials and techniques to hide equipment without compromising its ability to do its job. Materials like Raycap’s InvisiWave® allow for 5G mmWave equipment to be shrouded and enclosed into structures without impeding the 5G waves being transmitted and received by radios and antenna. Concealments using InvisiWave material can be designed in a way that blend into the surrounding environment, ultimately enabling the 5G equipment to be positioned as necessary, without being noticed or seen. Additional creative methodologies are being used to provide concealed, partially concealed, or fully concealed street light poles; as well as street cabinets, pole toppers and side-mounted shrouds. These installations blend 5G small cell sites into the existing landscape seamlessly, concealing them within light poles that are already necessary and accepted by the public. Other concealment options that allow for equipment attachment on roof tops also present unique opportunities through the use of InvisiWave screen wall apertures that can be painted to match existing rooftop structures made of brick or stucco. Through blending the equipment into the background effectively, 5G technology can be rolled out without the upset that can come to residents by noticing changes to their environment. The smart city can be beautiful as well as functional.

5G is a Major Component of Smart Cities

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/streamline-your-rollout/

A push to modernize our urban regions in America to attract both new citizens and businesses that would employ those citizens is happening everywhere. City planners now realize that they cannot rest on their laurels in terms of the ambiance and connectivity services offered in their cities. They cannot simply draw on the mystique of the past to gain new future residents. Instead, the race towards modernization is driving decisions, and the desire to both create a modern infrastructure while also keeping the beauty of the landscape in place is the dream of the modern “smart city.”

A “smart city” can be described as one where internet connectivity and high-speed communication are easy and stable. People today are intrinsically connected to others through their smartphones or wireless devices, allowing them to not only communicate and entertain themselves but also work effectively. Slow internet and spotty communications networks make it difficult to attract people to want to live in a region and result in increased frustration. If people know that there is better internet connectivity in other areas, they will choose the other areas. Those who come to settle in those areas do so not only to utilize the services available but also to be around other people who share a passion for a particular locale. Therefore a push to integrate 5G technology into the city landscapes has been on the upswing, but making sure that the equipment used in the developing infrastructure is hidden is also a large part of the process.

The completely functional and interconnected city landscape in the modern world could take on a very dystopian look if not for the desire to preserve the aesthetic look and feel of a region. One drawback to 5G technology, which is the backbone of the “smart city” is the necessity to install a significant amount of equipment at street level and within the visual plane of people going about their daily routines. 4G and previous iterations allowed for signals to travel further distances without degradation, enabling operators to install them on the larger “macro” towers. But 5G signals travel shorter distances from node to node, and need to be in closer proximity to each other and the 5G devices, so as the desire to achieve higher speeds with more bandwidths becomes stronger, so does the need to install equipment into places where people are not used to seeing it. This ultimately creates a sense of destroying beauty in favor of technology.

Raycap understands that the rollout of 5G worldwide must include new equipment and positioning based on the types of radios and antennae used, so they have developed new and innovative methods of concealing the infrastructure equipment from view while also keeping the signal at maximum strength. This is being accomplished through the design of structures that seamlessly integrate into an existing landscape in the form of Next Generation Integrated streetlight poles that replace existing lighting structures with a pole that can hold or house  5G equipment and antennas. They also create unique and completely custom solutions that allow the masking of wireless communications equipment that is less easy to conceal or needs to be externally mounted. Through the use of their unique 5G mmWave concealment material (InvisiWave), as well as creative techniques for keeping the landscape’s general look and feel intact with visually appealing textures and patterns, Raycap is paving the way for the modern smart city, with its elegant and technologically advanced STEALTH concealment solutions.

5G Small Cell Concealment in Urban Areas

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/streamline-your-rollout/

As the demand for 5G speeds increases across the world, unique challenges are being faced by telecom companies as they attempt to satisfy their customers’ demands while still being respectful to city and county aesthetics. This is especially the case in densely packed urban areas with thousands of users wanting to utilize 5G networks without having spotty coverage areas or worse having no connectivity at all. The challenges are relatively simple to understand, but the solutions are technologically complex. 5G networks rely heavily on small cell sites to provide connectivity, due to the higher frequencies that are used in the process and the inherent propagation loss that comes with those frequencies. ISD (inter-site distances) for many of the current 5G mmWave radios have been shown to have limitations of one-tenth of a mile, translating to a simple issue: a large number of small cell sites are needed to provide 5G coverage in these regions. These sites also need to be positioned closer to the ground than previous iterations of networks, meaning that they are placed within the visual plane of thousands of users. From a usage standpoint, the answer is simply to integrate the equipment into the positions necessary to provide good coverage. From an aesthetic standpoint, the solutions are more difficult, as this equipment must be blended into unique regions in a way that does not conflict with the aesthetics of the area. Especially in historic regions, this can be challenging.

One of the most obvious solutions to the issues of equipment concealment pleasingly and unobtrusively is to use the existing lighting poles in a right of way, integrating the equipment within the structure or covering it externally. Street lighting poles present this opportunity in nearly every urban environment, allowing for the effective concealment of AC and DC-powered 5G mmWave as well as 4G antennas and radios. These concealment options can also hide the AC disconnect functions needed for each location, and contain effective surge protection devices and other telecom infrastructure equipment.

The STEALTH concealed small cell pole by Raycap accomplishes these goals while also maintaining the aesthetic integrity of an area. Through the use of “pole toppers” the antenna and necessary equipment that relies upon clear signal receipt and transmission can be positioned at the top of the structure. Raycap’s unique InvisiWave® material can be used in the concealment process as 4G and even 5G mmWave signals are unaffected by it. Concealment of the 5G mmWave radios and antennas is one of the biggest challenges of the small cell concealment process. Through the top positioning and the use of InvisiWave, not only is the pole more visually appealing, but it can also achieve optimal performance.

STEALTH concealed or partially concealed small cell poles allow for integration into the urban environment in a way that meets the required coverage patterns while still allowing for future upgrades. The pole toppers (or radomes) can host different brands of 5G mmWave radios and are also backward compatible with lower frequency brands as well. They allow for orientations of radios and antennas to be different as necessary, along with these radios being mounted on different levels or back-to-back. The outcome is a technically advanced solution that advances the use of 5G coverage without destroying the visual integrity of any area.

Combination Disconnect Enclosures From Raycap

Combination Disconnect Enclosures From Raycap

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/streamline-your-rollout/

5G small cell sites are dramatically increasing in number year to year. In 2019 there were 154,000 small cell sites and by 2026 there are expected to be 800,000 small cell sites. This rapid growth rate is due to the increasing demand for 5G services in every area, and the additional benefits that go along  with 5G. But to get there, the infrastructure needs to support the special issues with 5G. Primary among these is that 5G small cell sites need to be closer together (generally under one tenth of a mile apart) than 4G equipment, typically installed on the taller “macro” cell towers. 5G signal propagation distances are shorter and ultimately this translates to the need for 5G nodes in densely packed areas to be closer together and lower to the street level. Carriers are faced with not only the issues of rolling out enough small cell sites to create an efficient network, but also the integration of these nodes into the existing environment without creating an eyesore. The best solution is the use of lighting poles with the support equipment integrated into or on them, with antennas, radios and connectivity equipment positioned at the tops of the poles, above the heads of pedestrians. The challenge to creating a streamlined presentation instead of ugly and incongruent numerous exposed equipment enclosures has been met in part with Raycap’s combination AC disconnect enclosures. These streamlined enclosures combine equipment that would have been in disparate boxes and present no hazard to utility crews who are working around them. They enable a standardized presentation that can be utilized effectively by utilities in many regions.

The typical installation of multiple boxes and interconnection between them is unsightly and can prove dangerous for utility workers. The use of the combination disconnect enclosures solves this issue while also providing a streamlined access to power which is typically underground in urban environments. The enclosure allows for power connections to be run to the base of the enclosure instead of being snaked through or around it.  The enclosure will house the AC power connection and AC power meter which can be easily read by the utility. This meter then connects to an AC disconnect of main breaker. This connection allows for the electrical flow to be easily disconnected when service or repair is necessary. The AC disconnect combo product can manage multiple radios each operating at different 5G bands.

The combination meter and disconnect enclosure from Raycap eliminates the mess that exists within small sell sites with regard to independent power management. Through the use of a standard unit and disconnect, the wires and boxes that would typically clutter up lighting poles and buildings can be presented in an elegant streamlined way.  The enclosures are able to be painted in order to be more harmonious with the pole or building on which they are mounted.  The power run to the box eliminates the exposed wiring that further clutters many installations, ultimately helping to create a 5G small cell site that is not dangerous or unsightly.

Integrated Small Cell Poles

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/streamline-your-rollout/

The development of the “smart city” is not a new concept, however, the actual implementation of the necessities to achieve a level of connectivity for all residents and devices has been slow to roll out. This is because of the upgrades to the networks that must be made, and the encumbrances that are found within 5G equipment that must replace or co-exist with existing 4G equipment. 5G offers greatly increased speeds and bandwidth, which will be the difference between connectivity that will provide value to residents of that area and connectivity that remains slow and frustrating. One of the biggest lures for businesses to a specific area is the speed of internet connectivity within that region, and through the rollout of 5G, city planners cannot only improve the lives of citizens through access to high-definition video, educational tools, banking, and entertainment, they can also add to the economic growth of the region by attracting companies.

The technical issues that come with the advent of 5G small cell sites do not outweigh the benefits, however, it must be known that network functionality is only possible if these sites are installed within around one-tenth of a mile of one another. Previous 4G macro sites can be installed miles apart and function fine but the higher frequencies of 5G are unable to travel as far a distance without degrading. Therefore it is necessary in a 5G network to install around 6x as many 5G small cell sites within the same region that two 4G macro sites will cover and to install them lower to the ground to create full coverage without dead regions. Each 5G small cell site may involve several 5G radios and 4G radios to take up any slack in coverage, as well as antennas, ancillary equipment, fiber, and AC power. The mounting of this amount of equipment externally on poles or buildings creates an unsightly look as well as a safety hazard for utility workers who must interact with the site. The answer is the new generation of small cell poles from Raycap, marketed under the STEALTH product brand.

This new generation of small cell poles – concealed, partially concealed fully concealed, and fully integrated – is designed to become the new multi-purpose streetlight poles in a cityscape, and allows for streamlined integration into the city landscape while also providing 5G cell coverage, standardization and safety for utility workers. Many will feature Raycap’s combo AC Disconnect, which supports the 5G infrastructure with access to AC power, a disconnect device, a power meter, and electrical surge protection. The AC Disconnect on an integrated small cell light pole allows utilities to conveniently read meter levels and disconnect power to the entire small cell site should upgrades and/or maintenance become necessary. The 5G radios & antennas at the top of the pole are also able to be concealed through the use of Raycap’s InvisiWave® material, whose construction allows for 5G signals to pass through with minimal degradation. These technologies allow an entire small cell site to be enclosed within a light pole without external equipment mounting, creating the streamlined and aesthetically pleasing look that city planners hope for. They will also enable the technologically advanced 5G network to be installed within their region, improving the lives of residents through the effective rollout of 5G services.

Integrating 5G Into The Urban Landscape

Integrating 5G Into The Urban Landscape

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/streamline-your-rollout/

City planners continually face challenges concerning the rollout of new technology. Their job is ultimately to improve the lives of the city residents as well as to attract opportunities for businesses to flourish in their region, while also improving the aesthetic nature of the city. Nobody wants to live in an area that is technologically advanced but looks cold and robotic, so the challenges facing officials on ways to integrate technological advances into the cityscape are numerous. This is especially true when those advancements also involve the significant expansion of communications networks in order to improve upon an existing system.

In the case of the upgrade from 4G to 5G in urban environments, the previous generations of cellular technology primarily utilized macro cell sites that could be positioned a mile or more from one another and still provide complete coverage and connectivity. The new 5G high-frequency signals are significantly faster but the nodes need to be positioned closer together to maintain achieve optimum connectivity. They also need to be closer to the devices themselves, so at street level, to effectively send and receive 5G signals. To illustrate the magnitude of this increase, 5G small cell sites must be positioned one-tenth of a mile apart to maintain the same connectivity rates as 4G sites positioned a mile or more apart.

This increases the number of small cell sites that must be added to a network, multiplying the equipment involved by more than six times. While the benefits of 5G in urban environments are obvious, with increased access to higher resolution video, more financial and entertainment options available, and educational opportunities brought closer to home, the desire not to create an unsightly landscape also is important. This is why the latest technological advances from Raycap in the concealment industry are so important.

Raycap is now offering multiple solutions to conceal 5G small site equipment. Their STEALTH product lines include streetlight poles, side-mounted equipment shrouds, rooftop panels, and more as integration points for 5G radios, antennas, and components in the network. Raycap STEALTH design engineers will work with carriers, real estate owners, and city officials to offer solutions that create a safer, more pleasing environment by concealing network infrastructure equipment within a wide variety of different concealment options. All individual components in a small cell site are connected to an AC power disconnect which is connected to a power meter, providing safety and access to utilities.

Built-in surge protection and the ability to disconnect easily when repairs or upgrades are necessary to help utility personnel service the small cell sites whenever needed. By combining and standardizing many components, typically found in two or more boxes on a wall or streetlight pole, the landscape is more attractive and safety and ease of maintenance are increased for those working around them. Using Raycap’s InvisiWave® solution to conceal the 5G mmWave radios and antenna, signals can effectively be received/transmitted while the hardware is hidden. The commonly used mmWave frequencies used in 5G networks have been proven to effectively pass through Raycap’s InvisiWave, assuring that the signals are not compromised. The “smart city” of the future is here, and 5G is rolling out in your area without even being noticed.

The Complications Of 5G Concealment

The Complications Of 5G Concealment

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/streamline-your-rollout/

It is expected that there will be an increase in small cell sites from the roughly 86,000 that were recorded in 2018 to more than 800,000 by 2026. This is due to the ever-increasing demand for 5G services within urban environments, which creates unique challenges. High-quality scalable manufacturing of the components necessary to roll out this increased level of services and connectivity will be necessary, and this brings unique challenges that call for creative solutions. To create an expansive and reliable 5G network, small cell sites using mmWave radios and antennae will be called upon to provide much of the coverage in dense urban areas.

These devices utilize higher frequencies and as a result, exhibit increased propagation loss over long distances. This means that the distances between small cell sites will be smaller and the sites closer together, to within one-tenth of a mile of one another. It also requires them to be lower to the ground than the previous generation of wireless equipment. Because of these factors, there is a need for a significantly increased number of installations at positions that are far more visually obvious to people at ground level. Thus,  the need for both creative and technologically advanced concealment options grows.

In dense, high-volume urban areas 5G small cell sites are going to become far more prevalent. You may notice them cropping up in neighborhoods, on city streets, and in historic areas. They will co-exist with the current network of lighting poles as well as street furniture installed for other purposes and must be integrated in ways that do not create a visual imbalance with the existing infrastructure environment or the beauty of the cityscape. In many ways, the integration of 5G equipment onto and inside streetlight poles is the most obvious solution – one that will not disrupt the look of a neighborhood or landscape. These structures are something that citizens are already used to seeing, and they offer the least amount of change in the scenery since many streetlight poles and telephone poles already exist and are outfitted with equipment.

Fully or partially integrated and concealed poles will be able to combine all elements necessary to the infrastructure as well as fully conceal a small cell site. The STEALTH concealed small cell pole manufactured by Raycap is available in a variety of options and can integrate all equipment either in or on it using inside cavities or shrouds. The small cell poles also mount 4G Radios or 5G antennas/radios in the pole topper or “radome”, to optimize performance while also easing concealment challenges. Pole toppers are optimal ways to conceal radiating equipment, and when used in conjunction with Raycap’s InvisiWave® material that does not interfere with 5G mmWave signals, they provide the coverage and performance that is necessary to create an unobtrusive small cell network that is also functionally advanced.

With small cell sites destined to be positioned on many city or suburban blocks soon, the aesthetics and high performance of the concealed equipment must work in unison to create a situation where function does not override form. Raycap is leading the way with its ambitious STEALTH line of concealment products. The overall goal is to help create a fully functional 5G network that is hidden from plain sight. Raycap is leading this charge, and success will mean you will not see us in the future!

The Difficulties Of A 5G Rollout

The Difficulties Of A 5G Rollout

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/streamline-your-rollout/

5G is changing the landscape in many urban areas where poor internet and phone connectivity have hindered the capabilities of residents. Improvements to the lives of inner-city Americans depends heavily on access to information, educational opportunities, banking and high-definition video. In order for these types of services to become more prevalent and more useful for people in densely packed urban areas, the rollout of 5G networks is critical. 5G offers a speed and bandwidth boost over 4G connectivity that can make the difference between access to useful information and a blackout of service to an entire area. Luckily, the rollout of 5G connectivity and services is beginning to happen in many major metropolitan areas, with city planners working diligently on not only the technological aspects but also the methods of supplying the connectivity in the most unobtrusive way possible. This has to be considered carefully with respect to a particular urban environment because 5G small cell sites must be placed far closer together than those supporting the previous cellular generations. 4G equipment has been primarily placed on macro towers that can roughly one mile or more apart in order to provide adequate connectivity, without dead spots and dropped service areas. The higher frequency 5G signals need to be considerably closer together in order to provide a similar level of connectivity, with small cell nodes needing to be around one-tenth of a mile apart for optimum coverage. This means that roughly six times the amount of 5G small cell sites are necessary in order to provide consistent coverage within an area. Integrating this large amount of additional equipment into a densely packed urban environment is difficult, and the fact that the small cell sites need to be closer to the ground puts them directly in the visual plane. This is where the creative and technologically advanced solutions from Raycap come into play.

The STEALTH suite of products offers a variety of different small cell pole, shroud, topper and screen wall options all suitable for installation in dense urban environments. These specialized concealment structures allow for all of the cell site equipment to be concealed and connected. An AC Disconnect enables installation on site and allows utilities to access the power and meter with ease. This Raycap equipment also allows utility workers to safely access the power within the small cell site in order to provide service upgrades and/or maintenance. The InvisiWave® materials enables 5G mmWave signals to pass through without degradation or signal loss, giving the small cell network the ability to provide a consistent connectivity for those using the network. Through the integration network infrastructure equipment and concealment, Raycap is enabling the rollout of 5G connectivity to areas that may have been underserved in the past, while also providing a streamlined and aesthetically pleasing integration of the equipment. Through these advancements, city planners and carriers bringing 5G to the masses in a way that will not significantly change the visual landscape, and allowing improvements in services to enhance connectivity and improve the quality of life for inner city dwellers.

The Options For 5G Small Cell Concealment

The Options For 5G Small Cell Concealment

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/streamline-your-rollout/

The effective rollout of 5G mmWave networks depends on the ability to not only place small cell sites within one-tenth of a mile of one another to avoid dead areas, but also the ability to safely conceal these sites. The first issue is a technical one, brought about by the higher frequencies of 5G mmWave frequencies and the fact that they will exhibit increased propagation loss the farther distance they travel. This creates a significant limitation on the ISD (inter-site distances) that can be maintained and still provide complete coverage. Previous wireless generations were able to be placed higher on structures while still maintaining effectiveness, with 5G mmWave equipment needing to be lower to the ground to offer the same connectivity. In a nutshell, this means more small cell nodes within the network that will be in the visual range of people at ground level, ultimately making it necessary to conceal the sites in order not to create an unsightly landscape. In dense urban areas this becomes even more challenging as the demand for coverage increases with higher populations, yet the desire to not compromise the visual integrity of historic areas or urban beautification projects remains strong. The most obvious answers to this dilemma have come in the form of concealed or partially concealed streetlight poles loaded up with equipment.

The existing grid of streetlights that are in metropolitan areas are a necessity, and in many ways help to define the aesthetic of the area. Through the consistent use of complimentary materials, colors and designs these poles are not only functional but are also an asset to help create the defining tone within a region of the city. An “integrated small cell pole” utilizes structures similar to these to incorporate the equipment needed for the 5G network. Due to their proximity to the street and one another, they represent the perfect opportunity to position small cell sites within the needed range to achieve effective network coverage. Concealed small cell STEALTH pole solutions from Raycap effectively conceal the connectivity equipment including 5G mmWave radios/antennas, 4G radios and antenna, all the cabling and other necessary equipment including AC disconnect and surge protection devices. Concealment solutions mimic the architecture of the region in which they are positioned and the 4G/5G antennas and radios are positioned at the pole top to optimize the performance of the network. Pole topper concealments or “radomes” are available on existing poles with equipment shrouds attached, or as a part of a fully concealed and integrated pole solution. By deploying Raycap’s “InvisiWave” material as the concealment for the pole topper, 5G mmWave antenna and radio signals are virtually unaffected. The radome toppers are large enough to conceal one or more antenna or radios in a manner that it is not blocked by potentially interfering materials or enclosures while still maintaining the aesthetic condition of the landscape. The pole topper can be designed according to carrier requirements to host different brands of 5G mmWave radios, and can allow both existing and future implementations as upgrades become necessary. Either through the mounting of new integrated poles for 5G concealment, the utilization of existing poles with pole toppers and side mounted shrouds, or through the use of InvisiWave apertures on side-mounted enclosures that blend in with the buildings on which they are installed, through concealment options 5G can exist in even the most historic areas without compromising the aesthetic.

The Smart City is Also Beautiful

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/streamline-your-rollout/

One of the biggest challenges for city planners is the implementation of technology solutions that do not have a significant impact on the aesthetic beauty of a downtown or neighborhood. Especially in historical regions, people are not willing to sacrifice the charm of a city simply to provide technological advancement, which is why urban planning is a balance between the two. Urban areas cannot exist in a time warp, never improving their infrastructure or way of life for their citizens, but also they cannot move so far technologically that the areas lose their charm, which has happened far too often.

This is one of the major difficulties concerning what is potentially the biggest development in recent history about cellular networks and the availability of information. The “smart city” will rely upon fast internet connections and edge services to provide all of the solutions that people and devices will require in the next 20 years. Slower internet and low bandwidth will not be able to manage all the data that will be available. Citizens want access to entertainment and high-definition video, banking, educational tools, and business opportunities that are all dependent upon fast internet with lots of bandwidth. The rollout of 5G networks in urban areas promises to advance regions that once were underserved. The problem is not with the 5G technology, it is that the physical network must be upgraded to manage all that data.

4G technology was mostly installed on “macro” tower sites that could be installed within one or more miles of one another and remain fully operable, without loss of coverage. 5G utilizes different and in some cases higher frequencies that propagate more quickly, but only span about one-tenth of a mile. So, when carriers are rolling out their new 5G networks within densely packed urban areas, they need to place more than 6 times the amount of small cell sites than the previous generations of cellular technology needed. 5G also requires that the nodes of the network be mounted closer to the ground to provide the connectivity and services needed.

Because of the potential aesthetic blights that this much equipment mounted externally in a cityscape would cause, Raycap developed advanced concealment solutions marketed under its STEALTH brand. A new generation of concealed small-cell products promises to streamline the approval process as well as the installation of small-cell nodes within a city landscape, all with the intent of providing citizens with the benefits of 5G. One solution Raycap is providing is specially designed and engineered streetlight small cell poles that can be concealed, partially concealed, or fully integrated and concealed, depending on the needs of the carrier, its construction partners, and the city. In these solutions, all of the radios and antennas, ancillary equipment, and power cables are accounted for and provided in the concealed small cell pole. At the pole top, the antenna and radios in a concealed pole would be behind an InvisiWave® topper or “radome”, enabling the transmission and reception of 5g mmWave signals.

InvisiWave is Raycap’s concealment material that was engineered to enable 5G mmWave signals to pass through with little or no degradation. When connected to the rest of the infrastructure equipment in or on the pole, including Raycap’s AC disconnect systems with electrical surge protection, the optimum 5G small cell node is created. The STEALTH integrated small cell poles from Raycap are designed to enable installation, upgrades, and repairs more efficiently and safely. With the integration of Raycap’s STEALTH and InvisiWave products into a downtown or neighborhood, the smart city can not only be functional but can also be beautiful.