Raycap News


New Energy Surge Protection

New Energy Surge Protection

Many people have never heard the term “new energy.” The typical residential customer will turn on the lights after work and never think twice about the production of the power that ultimately allows the lights to come on. For decades, this power has been taken for granted and generated in the same ways, by burning some form of fuel that was harvested from the earth, these fuel sources typically being coal or oil. There are two main issues with burning fossil fuels to obtain electricity, first and foremost is that they create a by-product when burned that pollutes the atmosphere of the planet. Secondly these fuel types are limited in supply, and while many people think that the reserves of oil, coal and natural gas are unlimited, most scientists disagree. Humans have harvested much of the easily accessed fossil fuels, so now new deposits are generally found in areas that are not within the primary usage area. This means that areas like the United States and Europe pay enormous sums to other countries in order to import the fuel source for use.  While negotiations between countries generally keep the fuel prices relatively affordable, we live every day with the knowledge that supply is limited and prices will only rise as shortages become more critical. (more…)

Green Energy Surge Protection

Green Energy Surge Protection

The term “green energy” is used to describe any form of energy production which uses fuel sources which are undepletable, natural and do not need to be burned in order to perform the function they are tasked with. Generally, the discussion of green energy refers to three main production methods at the time of this writing. These methods are wind, solar and hydro-electric power.  While these processes are quite different in the methods they utilize to produce the final product, they are also also alike in that they turn turbines through the use of a natural element like wind flow, water flow or sunshine.  The processes of wind and hydro-electric power production are similar in that turbines are turned through a flowing element moving across appropriately positioned blades.  Solar is slightly different in that it uses collection of sunshine to heat liquids within a plumbed system, causing them to expand and therefore flow and turn the turbines. All of these methods use a fuel source which is free and has no limitations as far as quantities available over time. (more…)

Energy From Undepletable Sources

Energy From Undepletable Sources

Over the course of the past ten years, there has been a growing interest and push towards development of new and improved technologies that would create energy from “undepletable” sources.  This push has created a division in the population as to their opinions on this type of energy production, with one side arguing in support for fossil fuels and the opposing side arguing for several technologies that fit under the umbrella of “undepletable.” energy production. While the “fossil” fuel industry is one that creates usable power from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, the renewable energy sector uses fuel sources which do not require burning or destruction in order to perform the task they are harnessed for.  Due to the fact that these fuel sources are not mined or harvested from the earth in a way that pulls a combustible agent from the ground, they are considered “undepletable,” because there is an unlimited supply which is not reduced by collection. The fossil fuel industry faces a problem in that their fuel sources are finite and become rarer each year, generally pushing prices upward.  The renewable energy sectors use fuel which is unlimited and which has no cost, quite obviously making it a superior method of creating power both in a cleaner and more efficient way. The supporters of fossil fuels cannot argue against these facts, and as support they cite cost as the deciding factor.  Currently, fossil fuel power production happens with a cost that is equal or lower than alternative energy production, a situation which can be changed through technological innovation. Supporters of the fossil fuel industry oppose funding this type of innovation due to the obvious threat to their profits, or the belief that the money spent on innovation will not produce a cheaper product. (more…)

Clean Energy Surge Protection

Clean Energy Surge Protection

The production of electricity is crucial to modern life as we know it, and the most effective means of producing this energy will always be employed.  There are several different methods of effectively producing electricity for public consumption, and the methods that are employed en-masse are generally dictated by several factors.  The first of these factors is overall production costs, and the ultimate price that a consumer must pay for the use of a specific amount of power.  The costs associated with producing that unit of power must be completely covered, and a profit structure applied to the amount on top of these costs.  The fixed costs of production across all forms of energy production involve the storage and transport of the electricity, as well as method-specific costs that are different depending on the way that the product is generated.  In the case of fossil fuel production, costs of a fuel source like oil or coal must be factored in, as well as the costs associated with the processing of that fuel source ultimately resulting in electricity being produced.  In the cases of “clean energy” sources there is no cost associated with the actual fuel as it is a sustainable and renewable element that is not burned to produce the ultimate product.  The fuel sources of wind, sunshine and flowing water are necessarily purchased although there are costs associated with taking these natural resources, and the associated costs of processing involve the transition of that free fuel into electricity through mechanized turning of turbines. (more…)

Improvement To Electrical Vehicles Through Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/electrical-vehicle-surge-protection/

Emerging technologies face hurdles that slow down progress towards widespread adoption, most of which develop over time as the systems become more elaborate. Consumer demand drives interest in the technology as a solution to a problem, then the technology improves over time by addressing customer complaints and dissatisfaction if and when it arises. While many consumer complaints are easy to forecast in advance, as the technology becomes accepted and embraced by more people the tolerance levels for shortcomings becomes less and less. Simply put, the more people use an emerging technology, the faster they demand that it evolve to be more user-friendly. This is the case with the emerging technologies involved in electric vehicles (EV). (more…)

Lightning Damage Decreases Profitability

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/lightning-surge-protection-devices/

Industrialized facilities face a unique suite of issues that potentially reduces the amount of profit that can be generated through the facility.  Where other types of businesses will seek methods of increasing profitability that involve cheaper materials or more efficiency in the work process, industrial facilities also face potential losses through equipment damage that happens at far higher rates than other types of businesses.  This characteristic can be found in industrialized facilities across all types of business models. This primarily has to do with the modern methods of doing business being technologically advanced, and the necessity to modernize in order to maintain competitiveness. Businesses must utilize expensive computer equipment in order to compete with others who have done the same, and each new piece of technologically advanced equipment that is placed into service increases the risk of losses. This is because industrial types of businesses are far more exposed and impacted by weather conditions than other types of businesses. More specifically, industrial facilities must operate under the constant threat of weather events such as lighting strikes to their exposed areas, destroying the expensive electronic equipment used in the process. (more…)

Lightning Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/lightning-surge-protection-devices/

Within both existing and emerging industries today, industrial surge protection plays a pivotal role in determining profitability.  Because of increasing the costs associated with the purchase of equipment necessary to maintain operations in an increasingly technological world, the need for protection of that equipment becomes more critical every year.  New industries that have been born within the technical age have always faced these types of challenges, but even the modernization and computerization of older industries illustrates the need for protection if businesses are to compete.  There are almost no industrial businesses operating today that do not have a technological element, and all these types of businesses are also in need of cost reduction plans in order to maintain their competitiveness.  The most obvious way to reduce expenses is to prolong the lifespan of the equipment used in the production process, adding to the bottom line by reducing both maintenance costs associated with replacement as well as the costs of purchasing new equipment.  If equipment can be made to operate beyond the expected and predicted lifespan, the situation becomes even more positive.  Industrial surge protection devices exist for this sole purpose, to extend the life span of equipment utilized in a wide variety of industrial processes.  Surge protection devices which are integrated into facilities that have the danger of damage as a result of power surges will almost always cost significantly less than the costs associated with repair or replacement of damage to equipment. (more…)

Lightning Protection For Wind Turbines And Green Energy

Lightning Protection For Wind Turbines And Green Energy

The entire concept of “green energy production” focuses on the production of electrical power in a way that would have less impact on the environment and ultimately would be affordable for consumers.  Essentially, the development of green energy production methods comes in response to dramatic changes to the environment and atmosphere, and the costs associated with using so much of it.  While the damage that is being done is unmistakable in the form of removal of resources that have a limit (coal, oil, natural gas), as well as the obvious pollution that is produced when these resources are burned, the debate over how much damage is done to the atmosphere continues to rage by those with short sighted goals.  The justification for continual use of these methods as opposed to pushing forward with development of more alternative energy production is based on corporate profits vs damage to the environment.  Consumers have not been fully convinced that the use of fossil fuels is doing significant damage to the Earth, and as a result they tend to lean towards the least expensive and most reliable method of electricity production. (more…)

Industrial Surge Protection Devices

Surge Protection Devices

What are surge protection devices? The answer to this question can take many different forms, but essentially a “surge protective device” or SPD is a piece of equipment that is installed between a power source and equipment powered by that source, specifically to provide a form of protection from a surge in the electrical current.  There are several methods of providing this surge protection which involve diversion of the flow, complete cutoff of the flow or drawdown of the flow using a variety of techniques.  The most easily understandable method of explaining a surge protective device is to explain its functionality and purpose, which is to prevent electrical flow to a device from exceeding a specific safe level. (more…)

Protection From Overvoltage

Protection From Overvoltage


Industrial sites need to be protected from electrical surges with overvoltage protection devices and systems.  Raycap’s offerings for overvoltage protection are comprised of components which are of the highest industrial grade, for example the unique Strikesorb and SafeTec surge protection technologies.  Strikesorb offers the ultimate level of protection for the entire facility by providing service entrance protection, while Safetec is deployed at feeder panels inside the facility to protect the critical and sensitive equipment inside including computers and data microprocessors, as well as any other devices connected to and powered by an electrical grid.  Power surges produced by lightning strikes carried by the grid or by switching transients produced by equipment inside the facility itself, as well as other types of overvoltage events, are some of the most common and costly issues faced by industry when it comes to equipment damage and replacement.  It is only through adequate overvoltage protection (OVP) that these costs can be avoided. (more…)