Raycap News


Lightning And The Damage It Causes 

Lightning And The Damage It Causes 

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/lightning-protection-for-cell-sites/ 

Natural occurrences in weather are one of the most significant causes of losses at industrial facilities every year.  This is because the equipment which is utilized in the processes has a certain amount of exposure to the potentially damaging effects of lightning strikes.  Because lightning strikes are not able to be predicted as far as their location or intensity, industrial operators find that the best defense is an offense.  Through the installation of systems which are designed to protect equipment by having it protected in the first place, industrial operators save the money that would be spent on repair and maintenance as well as downtime and outages.  This is accomplished in several different ways and through several different types of systems that are utilized onsite.  The first and most obvious is the lightning protection system consisting of overhead shielding and lightning rods.  These types of devices draw lightning strikes to themselves as opposed to having those lightning strikes hit less protected areas of the facility.  Through drawing the lightning strike to a structure that has been set up specifically for the purpose of being struck, the fires and explosions that happen at the strike point as well as the electrical discharge that happens afterwards are able to be diverted away from sensitive equipment and to ground.  These diversionary tactics are designed to protect components utilized in manufacturing or industrial process through the simple process of never having the equipment being hit in the first place.  Every year, millions of dollars that would be spent on repair and maintenance of components are saved by drawing the lightning strikes area away from the equipment.  (more…)

Undepleatable Sources Provide Clean Energy With Technology

Undepleatable Sources Provide Clean Energy With Technology 

The finite nature of the fuel sources that are used to generate  energy is a major problem for all people on Earth, not just those in developed countries.  While there are definite issues with the costs to the environment that the burning of these fossil fuels has, the actual purchase price that must be paid for the fuel itself is tied directly to the supply, which is limited.  Simply put, there is only so much oil, coal, wood or other fossil fuels in existence.  Once these resources dwindle past a certain amount, there is no more “being made” that can extend the supply further.  Even through the limitations of supply would not be breached during any of our lifetimes given the current population increase rate, we must think about the future and put in place methodologies that make sense fifty, one-hundred or two hundred years in the future.  This is one of the primary arguments for the development of technologies that utilize sources that will not be easily depleted in power production, such as the sun and wind, and the fast adoption of these same technologies will benefit environmental impact issues as well.  Every day that fossil fuels are used to produce power is another day that gets us closer towards the supply being exhausted, and another day of environmental damage that more than likely cannot be reversed.  Through the ongoing adoption, advancement and development of improved production methods that use un-depleatable resources, we can stop the damage and create a better world for ourselves and our future generations. (more…)

Surge Protection For Renewable Energy Sources

Surge Protection For Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources are not only important to our planet’s future, they are important to its current state as well.  For many years, the fossil fuel industry has dominated the market.  Using government lobbying tactics as well as misinformation campaigns, they have created a situation where the public has little knowledge of the real benefits of renewable energy, believing instead that it is just a more expensive alternative to fossil fuels, and that there is no permanent environmental damage being done.  In reality these statements and beliefs can be proven false, and are being pushed forward as a means of protecting profits at the expense of the public both environmentally and economically.  It is important to understand the current state of renewable energy production methods as compared to those of fossil fuels, in order to determine if a more widespread adoption of renewables is beneficial. (more…)

New Energy Production Methods Use Advanced Surge Protection Devices

New Energy Production Methods Use Advanced Surge Protection Devices

For many years the world has relied almost exclusively upon fossil fuels in order to produce electricity for public consumption.  While these fuels may vary, the process always involves burning or breaking down the fuel in some way in order to produce energy that produces the electricity itself.  The issues with fossil fuel power production are many, involving the byproducts produced by the process as well as the finite nature of the fuel sources themselves.  As fossil fuels become more scarce, the price increases steadily.  With no method of producing more of that fuel source, we are left with no other option but to move on to other fossil fuels, which may produce damage to the earth in their harvesting or may be even more damaging to the atmosphere with their by-products.  These issues have lead to a revolution in the energy production field, and the introduction of new energy production methods that are able to be technologically improved upon to make them more efficient.  This means that while they may already be more beneficial to life on earth due to the fact that they have less environmental impact, they can also be improved upon to make them less expensive.  Once the production method proves out to be less damaging and cheaper at the same time, there is no reason to use the antiquated technologies again. (more…)

Green Energy Needs Advanced Surge Protection

Green Energy Needs Advanced Surge Protection

The general public has a basic knowledge of the clean energy development debate.  They know that there is pollution produced through fossil fuels that has a negative effect on their air and atmosphere.  They also know that their electric bills will be lower if they support fossil fuel production, so they will generally weigh the perceived damage vs the costs they pay every month.  Environmental damage is not something you can easily observe when looking at the sky, so people will often vote with their wallets and ignore the damage that is being caused.  Warnings from environmental scientists are ignored as overhyped or completely false, and consumers go about their daily lives thinking that green energy is not a bad thing, but it is not worth spending extra money on developing because it costs them more.  Unfortunately these people are wrong. (more…)

Clean Energy Benefits From Industrial Surge Protection

Clean Energy Benefits From Industrial Surge Protection

As America and the world struggle with the issue of energy, its cost and the impact its production has on the planet, companies are quietly developing new technologies which will improve the current situation.  The debate stems from a basic disagreement between two camps, one that places environmental impact as the most important aspect and the other that favors lower costs and depletion of finite resources.  Both sides make powerful arguments as to why we should or should not fund development of new technologies that could improve production from alternative energy sources, but while the debate rages on so does the private development of these very technologies.  The main reason behind the private business sector’s interest in developing improved clean energy technology with or without government funding is because there are two aspects that are improved by technological advances in the space.  The first is the development of cleaner and less environmentally impactful energy production methods, and the second is the improvement of these methods so as to function at a more economical level than fossil fuels.  In a nutshell, this means that not only is clean energy going to produce less harm to the environment, it is going to be cheaper to produce than fossil fuels in the long run.  The leaders within the clean energy space will benefit the most from this tipping point, when the public realizes that clean energy production will actually save them money.  As a result, advances within the space are being made by private companies like Raycap and its customers every year. (more…)

Renewable Energy Surge Protection

Renewable Energy Surge Protection

“Renewable energy” is a term that is used to describe the production of electricity using a fuel source that does not have to be burned or mined in order to generate power. Typical and traditional production methods involve the burning of a fuel source like coal, wood or oil in order to turn turbines which therefore generate electricity for public use. Renewable energy production works much the same way, but the difference is that the “fuel source” is a natural element that does not have to be destroyed in order to provide the movement to the turbine blades. Converting this energy into electricity is accomplished in different ways based upon the type of “renewable energy” that is being harnessed. For example, in the case of wind power, large blades affixed to turbines are moved by the flowing wind, creating no residual product like smoke or pollution.  The wind moves over the blades of the wind turbine and creates movement due to their shape and position.  In the case of solar production, sunlight is collected on panels and is used to heat liquid trapped within a pipe system. This liquid expands and pushes through the system including across turbines, thus moving them to generate power.  Once again there is no residual product produced using this system. Hydro-electric power is generated in much the same method as wind, only using flowing water to turn the turbines. While the actual methods of production vary, the methods are referred to under the umbrella of “renewable energy” as the fuel sources do not run out, and are not destroyed by the process. (more…)

New Energy Surge Protection

New Energy Surge Protection

Many people have never heard the term “new energy.” The typical residential customer will turn on the lights after work and never think twice about the production of the power that ultimately allows the lights to come on. For decades, this power has been taken for granted and generated in the same ways, by burning some form of fuel that was harvested from the earth, these fuel sources typically being coal or oil. There are two main issues with burning fossil fuels to obtain electricity, first and foremost is that they create a by-product when burned that pollutes the atmosphere of the planet. Secondly these fuel types are limited in supply, and while many people think that the reserves of oil, coal and natural gas are unlimited, most scientists disagree. Humans have harvested much of the easily accessed fossil fuels, so now new deposits are generally found in areas that are not within the primary usage area. This means that areas like the United States and Europe pay enormous sums to other countries in order to import the fuel source for use.  While negotiations between countries generally keep the fuel prices relatively affordable, we live every day with the knowledge that supply is limited and prices will only rise as shortages become more critical. (more…)

Green Energy Surge Protection

Green Energy Surge Protection

The term “green energy” is used to describe any form of energy production which uses fuel sources which are undepletable, natural and do not need to be burned in order to perform the function they are tasked with. Generally, the discussion of green energy refers to three main production methods at the time of this writing. These methods are wind, solar and hydro-electric power.  While these processes are quite different in the methods they utilize to produce the final product, they are also also alike in that they turn turbines through the use of a natural element like wind flow, water flow or sunshine.  The processes of wind and hydro-electric power production are similar in that turbines are turned through a flowing element moving across appropriately positioned blades.  Solar is slightly different in that it uses collection of sunshine to heat liquids within a plumbed system, causing them to expand and therefore flow and turn the turbines. All of these methods use a fuel source which is free and has no limitations as far as quantities available over time. (more…)

Energy From Undepletable Sources

Energy From Undepletable Sources

Over the course of the past ten years, there has been a growing interest and push towards development of new and improved technologies that would create energy from “undepletable” sources.  This push has created a division in the population as to their opinions on this type of energy production, with one side arguing in support for fossil fuels and the opposing side arguing for several technologies that fit under the umbrella of “undepletable.” energy production. While the “fossil” fuel industry is one that creates usable power from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, the renewable energy sector uses fuel sources which do not require burning or destruction in order to perform the task they are harnessed for.  Due to the fact that these fuel sources are not mined or harvested from the earth in a way that pulls a combustible agent from the ground, they are considered “undepletable,” because there is an unlimited supply which is not reduced by collection. The fossil fuel industry faces a problem in that their fuel sources are finite and become rarer each year, generally pushing prices upward.  The renewable energy sectors use fuel which is unlimited and which has no cost, quite obviously making it a superior method of creating power both in a cleaner and more efficient way. The supporters of fossil fuels cannot argue against these facts, and as support they cite cost as the deciding factor.  Currently, fossil fuel power production happens with a cost that is equal or lower than alternative energy production, a situation which can be changed through technological innovation. Supporters of the fossil fuel industry oppose funding this type of innovation due to the obvious threat to their profits, or the belief that the money spent on innovation will not produce a cheaper product. (more…)