Raycap News


Industrial Surge Protection For A Wide Range Of Industries

Protecting the valuable equipment that is used for the industrial production of products and services is important to nearly every industry.  The minimization of operating costs through the extension of the useful life spans of critical components will be achieved in various ways depending on the industry, but the process of protecting components takes on similarities across nearly any industrial installation.  Shielding equipment from the weather and damage as a result of tampering may be as simple as placing it into street cabinets that are robust enough to provide protection against the harshest climates.  Shielding equipment from surge related damage is more complex, and the levels of protection that are achievable will generally be dictated by the precision of the installation of SPDs, and the technological level of the devices themselves.  Quite simply, all SPDs are not created equal, and the utilization of a technologically advanced SPD may be the difference between the loss or salvation of millions of dollars in equipment. (more…)

Electrical Protection Across Industrial Installations

There is no doubt that industrial installations face challenges to equipment longevity including generalized wear and tear as well as other more catastrophic events.  In nearly every industry, an industrial level facility will be located in an area where environmental factors can play a part, and the sheltering of equipment from weather events is often minimal.  This is because attempting to shelter large amounts of outdoor industrial equipment is not cost effective, and the repair and replacement of the affected equipment costs less than building facilities in order to provide additional shelter from the elements.  (more…)

Protection From Lightning Protects The Bottom Line

Most businesses are concerned with saving as much money as possible, and the ongoing push towards minimizing expenses is always a top priority.  This becomes especially important when businesses factor in longevity of equipment specified for a particular life span, while facing the unknown dangers of damage or destruction possible during the normal course of operations.  Essentially, the extension of the lifespan of a piece of equipment for as long as possible beyond the expected lifespan saves the company money in replacement and repair costs over time, thus minimizing operating expenses.  For this reason, many industries take protection from lightning quite seriously, and realize that by minimizing the damage that routine lightning strikes can cause will protect their bottom line.  Companies that are serious about lightning protection will most certainly be seeking the most effective technologies to accomplish that goal, and those companies will eventually find Raycap and its Strikesorb line of industrial SPDs. (more…)

Minimizing The Costs Of Alternative Energy With Electrical Protection

There is a simple difference between energy that is produced by burning fossil fuels and energy that is produced through wind and solar methods, and that difference translates to money.  Electricity to power businesses and homes is the same product if it is produced by fossil fuel burning or by alternative energy sources, and the debate over which one should be the choice of countries like the United States generally boils down to which one costs more.  The argument between the two is confused by discussions of greenhouse gasses and climate change, but consumers will essentially vote with their wallets.  They are willing to tolerate a certain amount of damage to their planet and to their health, as long as that damage brings about lower prices.  People understand that burning fossil fuels creates pollution and damages the environment to some extent, but are generally willing to ignore that damage in favor of not paying more in monthly bills.  Green energy technology produces the same product without environmental damage or pollution, but costs more to produce.  Public support tends to lean towards fossil fuels because they produce electricity cheaper.  But what if that was not the case? What if it was less expensive to produce power using wind or solar sources, and without any damage to the environment at all?  If that was the case the debate would be over. (more…)

Street Cabinets: The Telecom Line Of Defense

The telecommunications industry is being squeezed at both ends by consumer demands.  With the evolution of smart phones and devices, and the access to streaming services and social media, the demand for increased bandwidth and faster speeds has created a situation where consumers judge companies on their accessibility to data rather than the clarity of phone calls.  While coverage areas for telephone connectivity are also continually being expanded due to demand, the real pressure is in the data transfer aspects, as consumers expect to be able to stream large amounts of data from any place.  Increasing demand for connectivity and network availability places pressure on telecom operators  to continually push the envelope and expand their services by putting more and more elaborate and expensive equipment in the field.  From the other end, consumers are also calling for lower monthly bills, making it extremely difficult to satisfy both the connectivity demands as well as the pricing pressures.  The prices of equipment necessary in the process may be coming down slightly over time as technology improves, but the real savings that affects the bottom line of telecom companies and allows them to compete in this difficult marketplace comes from protecting equipment already installed in the field. (more…)

How Electrical Protection Can Advance Green Energy

Alternative energy production relies on fuel sources that have no associated cost, unlike fossil fuels like coal and oil which must be mined or extracted.  The comparative costs that are charged to the consumers for the final product of electricity are still lopsided favoring fossil fuels, and many do not understand the reasons behind a method without fuel costs ultimately being more expensive than one with fuel costs.  The answer to this question lies in the technology that drives the wind and solar methods, and also provides the ability to advance and to reduce costs.  The fossil fuel industries have remained technologically the same for many years, the processes being relatively simple.  Costs associated with transport and storage of electricity are the same across all industries as the product produced is the same.  One method of production does not result in “better” electricity to your home, and in reality there is no difference whatsoever aside from the costs and environmental damages that are produced.  The fossil fuel industry has costs that are relatively set, aside from the prices that must be paid for the fuel sources.  The green energy industries, on the other hand, have the ability to technologically advance to drive down the costs associated with production. (more…)

How Street Cabinets Benefit The Telecom Industry

The telecommunications industry is very “equipment reliant” and there is an ever increasing amount of technological components involved in maintaining the day to day operations.  The sheer volume and expense of this equipment prevents many potential players from even entering the market effectively, and creates difficulties with regard to competition for those companies that play in the telecommunications infrastructure space.  One of the primary drags on profitability is the fact that much of the equipment that is involved in the process of telecom connectivity is installed in exposed settings, making it susceptible to damage from a number of potential sources.  Natural phenomenon like weather will produce large amounts of damage to unprotected equipment in a short time in cases like lightning strikes or over longer periods in cases like ongoing degradation as a result of moisture.  Unnatural phenomenon like vandalism can destroy expensive equipment in a matter of seconds.  No matter what the threat, the telecommunications industry’s best defense against damage to exposed equipment is an “outdoor active cabinet” or “street cabinet.”  These devices are heavily reinforced enclosures constructed from materials like aluminum that will not conduct electricity in the case of a lightning strike and surge, while still providing enough ventilation and heat reduction capabilities to prevent enclosed equipment from damaging itself through ongoing use.  The challenge of creating a robust cabinet that can withstand the elements and natural threats must be tempered with building a cabinet that will not cause overheating, and Raycap has developed some of the finest designs in the world. (more…)

Improvements To Wind Power Production Through Surge Protection

Green energy production has faced a long, uphill climb to becoming  accepted as the logical choice in many countries that are currently entrenched in the extraction industry.  Coal, oil and wood have long been the standard with regard to production of electricity, even though they have been proven to be damaging to the environment, dirty and expensive.  Quite simply, burning a fuel source to produce electricity has consequences, and the debate over the reduction of these methods to produce electricity in favor of more modern ideas is rooted in cost and availability.  The supporters of the extraction industry as the primary source of power of a country or region will argue that the damage that is produced by their methods is minimal, and is legitimized by the lower cost.  The supporters of green energy will argue that the unseen costs of environmental damage outweigh the monetary costs that consumers pay, and that we should be willing to pay a higher price to reduce damage and pollution.  The basic problem is that it is difficult to get most populations to accept personally paying more for something that can be produced cheaper, when the added consequences are not visible to them immediately.  Even though few people would argue that they do not want to damage the environment for future generations, most will still choose to pay less today in the hopes that the damage caused will not be too great. (more…)

The Industrial Surge Protection Leaders

Across many business genres, one aspect will remain constant and continual, the need to protect critical components and equipment from damage.  In all business types, one of the major impacts to profitability is the necessity to replace or repair the equipment that makes the functionality happen.  While these components will vary from industry to industry, as will the costs associated with keeping them online, the ability to keep them functioning for longer than is predicted will benefit the bottom line.  In a nutshell, if it is predicted and expected that a business will need to replace a certain piece of capital equipment within a certain timeframe, and that equipment lasts longer than that timeframe, then the business is more profitable.  Because one of the major causes of damage to computerized and electronic components within modern industrial frameworks is lightning strike and surge damage, the utilization of robust surge protective devices (SPDs) is necessary. (more…)

Street Cabinet Solutions From Raycap

Street cabinets” is a phrase describing a type of enclosure known in the telecommunications industry as an “outdoor active cabinet.”  These industry specific power cabinets are designed with the problematic aspects of the telecommunications industry in mind, where critical broadband equipment and network components are often situated in exposed areas.  In transmission networks, there is a significant investment necessary in power and fiber equipment, nearly all of which is both extremely expensive and easily damaged.  The positioning of this equipment in exposed areas is necessary and quite problematic, as damage can be sustained from a wide variety of sources ranging from lightning strikes to rodents seeking nesting opportunities.  Since the best defense against ongoing damage is a good defense, Raycap manufactures street cabinets in a variety of configurations and sizes.
