Raycap News


Business Protection From Lightning

Lightning is one of the most costly phenomenons for many businesses. This may come as a shock to some, who would probably assume that the greatest losses generally come from theft or vandalism, and while these things do contribute to the losses of many companies, they generally do not compare to the destructive force of lightning. Another shock may be that the losses usually seen are not as a result of the lightning strike itself, instead they are found in the form of surge related damage that comes after the strike itself. The lightning strike point will see damage in the form of explosions and fires, but the subsequent power surge can flow down data lines and power lines to have an impact on equipment far away from the strike point. This damage can be extensive, and luckily is avoidable if the business plans for it. The installation of surge protective devices is a plan that not everyone knows is needed, but it can save millions of dollars of equipment.

Because excess electricity is the enemy of internal circuitry of computer driven equipment, the excess electricity that is produced through lightning strikes is the source of extreme damage. This electricity easily flows along the power lines that connect the equipment, and also along the data transfer lines that allow information to be exchanged between that equipment. The electricity can also flow through structures themselves, affecting equipment that is positioned inside of those structures. For this reason, the best defense against this type of damage is the redundant installation of surge protection devices at any junction possible and also along all lines that are capable of allowing electrical flow.  When excess electricity is detected, the SPD will be triggered and create a gap that the electricity cannot jump, essentially stopping the flow in its tracks. Because it cannot move beyond the point of the SPD, any equipment that is downstream from that point can be spared from the surge. There are different technologies that SPDs utilize in order to accomplish this goal, and there are specific devices which would be more suitable for one application over others. In order to most effectively protect your investments, the surge protection system should not only employ the latest technology available but also be made of the most robust materials. Many are unaware that some surge protection devices are destroyed or rendered inoperable by the lightning strike they protect against, ultimately allowing for a subsequent strike to take its toll. The most advanced devices from Raycap are its Strikesorb technology, which does not require replugging and resetting. This makes them functional even after they have been triggered. In order to fully protect your equipment, only Raycap goes to this level.

Is your facility adequately protected against lightning strikes and the power surges that accompany them? Have you had a difficult time managing costs as a result of these events? Contact Raycap today to inquire about the most advanced surge protection and lightning protection systems in the world.

Industrial Surge Protection

“Surge protection” is the way that people will typically refer to the systems and devices that keep sensitive equipment safe from the damage that would be caused by the overflow of electricity to it. Most equipment that needs electricity in order to function can accept an electrical flow within a tight range, and any time that flow exceeds that range the internal components are at risk of being damaged. This damage is especially concentrated in the circuitry of the component, where even the slightest increase in electrical flow beyond the safe range will render the component inoperable. Most people have come to take electricity for granted, and are used to simply turning on the switch at the wall of their home or office  in order to allow a regulated flow to happen, but they are probably unaware that there are continual spikes and dips in that flow. While this may not cause acute damage at any one point, it can degrade the functionality of your equipment over time. In addition to the regular flow patterns, we can see surges that also happen as a result of numerous anomalies like lightning strikes and system failures. These surges of electricity can literally destroy the internal components of electronic devices in an instant.

Surge protection exists in two general categories, consumer grade and industrial grade.  The philosophy of the systems is the same, to prevent excess electrical flow from coming into contact with any piece of equipment that cannot handle it safely. How this is accomplished will vary, ranging from diversion techniques to the complete severing of the lines that the electricity can flow down. Things like external lightning rods and overhead shields are not technically surge protection devices, but do function to accomplish the goal of prevention of damage. Typically, people think of the surge protection devices (SPDs) as the main components of the surge protection system.  On the consumer end these will take the form of surge strips, surge protection plugs, breaker boxes and battery backup systems. The devices that are typically attached to these forms of surge protection are the home computers that most households have in the modern world. On the industrial end, we see surge protection devices that are far more technologically advanced and robust. Not only are these devices responsible for protecting far more expensive equipment, but they are also subjected to more harsh conditions and more powerful surges. Industrial facilities will generally be within remote areas and will involve equipment that is a prime target for lightning strikes due to its physical makeup. The propensity to have lightning strikes happen to the area or lightning surges to the components of an industrial facility puts millions of dollars at risk every day, and heightens the need for adequate surge protection on the industrial level. Improved surge protection devices will not only be made up of better housings and materials, but will use more advanced methods of cutting the electrical flow before damage occurs. The development of “always on” technology like those created by Raycap also enable a situation where the restoration of functionality happens far faster, minimizing the downtimes that cost money. Surge protection systems and devices are a part of everyone’s life, whether they realize it or not.

Raycap, a leading force in industrial surge protection

Raycap is one of the premier manufacturers and suppliers of surge protective devices (SPDs) for industrial applications in the world. Their proprietary technology Strikesorb®, is used in industrial sectors to protect and preserve the power needed to support mission-critical infrastructure. While the unique technology surpasses the traditional capacities of surge protection, it also may inadvertently factor into the move towards making alternative energy production sectors more commonplace by helping these sectors realize reductions in costs. This translates as extended equipment lifespans through improved protection from electrical surge damage, as well as cost reductions within alternative energy sectors that may reduce climate damage while saving consumers money.

Raycap’s technologically advanced Strikesorb line of surge protection products utilizes an “always on” system that provides ongoing protection without the need for resetting or replacement, which could be a key to seeing alternative energy production advance past fossil fuel dependency. Raycap is contributing significantly to the improvement of processes that generate power for consumers using alternative energy sources, driving the costs below fossil fuels and ending the debate over cost-competitiveness once and for all. If a source costs less to produce while also creating less damage to the environment, there is no reason to promote the continued use of the inferior system. In addition and in time, new energy jobs can replace and replenish jobs being lost in the fossil fuel sectors.

How does Raycap’s Strikesorb product line help alternative energy producers reduce costs? By using Strikesorb products placed at strategic positions within wind, solar and hydroelectric systems, a protective redundancy is achieved which shields computerized control equipment from electrical surge damage. The most common form of damage to these systems is produced by lightning strikes and temporary overvoltages (TOVs), which damage the exposed wind turbines or solar panels as well as produce overvoltage events downstream. These electrical surges overload the circuitry of expensive electronics that are connected directly to the wind turbines and solar panels. While the point of direct lightning strike damage is difficult to avoid, the surge damage can be mitigated or completely avoided through the use of Raycap’s technologically advanced surge protection products. Cost reductions resulting from reduced operating expenses provide the ability for energy producers to effectively reduce the charges to consumers. (more…)

Elon Musk Calls For Green Energy Technology Awareness

Elon Musk is the billionaire CEO of Tesla and the visionary behind Space X, which is utilizing private funds to bridge the gaps left when many governments abandoned their space exploration programs due to budget concerns.  Musk is a very vocal proponent for green energy technologies, and is utilizing Tesla in a multi-pronged attack on the fossil fuel industry, creating technologies that would be hindered or even eliminated if they were dependent upon public funding for support.  Musk has proven time and time again that the problem isn’t the lack of technology or desire to create better systems with less environmental impact, instead placing the blame squarely on the fossil fuel industry itself and its desire to maintain control through suppression of technological advancements.  Essentially, Musk’s message is that the oil and coal industries maintain their stranglehold on energy production through governmental intervention and lobbying, keeping their own industries profitable by eliminating any competitive technology.  Through his own private investment, Musk is proving that green energy production is able to replace the fossil fuel industries. (more…)

Electrical Vehicle Surge Protection

With the dramatic increase in electrical vehicle (EV) production over the course of the last five years, the need for a more aggressive rollout of charging stations across developed nations has become imperative. There are more than five million electrical vehicles on the roads and this number increases significantly every year. The hinderances to more widespread electrical vehicle ownership has come down to a few specific roadblocks involving mileage between charges and the availability of charging stations. Areas like California are putting forth aggressive measures to reduce emissions within their state by favoring electrical vehicles, and have recently started initiatives to completely eliminate gas-powered vehicles within the next few decades. As public sentiment moves more towards acceptance of electrical vehicles as the preferential form of transportation, companies like Tesla have been improving their customer experiences by creating their own solutions to charging station shortages and battery capacities. Through the development of innovative technologies that improve these products on an individual level, the path is cleared for other companies to follow and develop innovations as well. Collective efforts are fast-tracking the expected widespread adoption of electrical vehicles as the preferential mode of transportation. (more…)

Lightning protection for wind turbines and structures

When lightning strikes a structure, there is an immediate high voltage shock.  The electrical surge is so fast and so intense, that without adequate protection for the blades, internal and external electronic components and framework, there is a near guarantee that damage will be suffered.

Wind turbines are subjected to some of the harshest climate conditions available, and are especially susceptible to damage as a result of lightning strikes.  Without direct strike protection installed on the turbine blades, or insufficient earthing or transient protection, the costs to windfarm operators for the repair and replacement of equipment is significant each year, contributing directly to the costs that must be passed off to consumers in the forms of higher rates.  While strikes to blades are quite difficult to avoid and manage, the over-voltage transients that occur after both direct strikes to structures and coupling from strikes to nearby objects are able to be prevented from producing damage if adequately protected with industrial SPDs. (more…)

Surge Protection Devices For Industrial Sites

All businesses operate on a relatively simple premise, to bring in more in revenues than is put out. This profit motive is the driving force behind most businesses, with the additional motivations of doing good for the community by providing essential services or goods. The balance of bringing in more in revenue than is spent in the operations of the business must be maintained if the business is to continue functioning, and this balance is extremely difficult to maintain in industries that are subjected to potentially damaging circumstances that cannot be predicted. All these types of operations can do is to plan for the expenses that will come with damage, and work towards minimizing these damages through preventive measures. Industries like the cellular network space, energy production and almost any other business that positions high tech equipment in the field must take all possible steps to minimize equipment damage due to the fact that their competition is continually squeezing margins to smaller levels, essentially creating the need for more expensive equipment while also charging less to customers. It is a difficult balance to achieve, but surge protection devices are helping stabilize the situation for many businesses. (more…)

Why Surge Protection Must Be Integrated Into Critical Systems

When considering the different aspects of a business, one generally thinks about profits and losses due to sales, the costs of operation and the costs of startup. In order to keep a business running, business owners must balance all of these aspects in a way that keeps more money coming in than flowing out. From the business standpoint, many companies that provide services to customers have a relatively simple model, just make enough in new revenues or cut enough expenses to keep the operations profitable over time, and earn enough extra to pay down any debt that was incurred during the creation and operation of the business. When it comes to companies that provide services that may be mission critical, which is those that are necessary to maintain and sustain if not ways of life then maybe that life itself may depend, there is added pressure to make sure that the business systems remain operational. (more…)

Wind turbines and lightning

Wind turbines are isolated towers that are very tall and which utilize sensitive electronic equipment for their functionality. Just by their very nature they are at a constant threat from lightning damage. In order to mitigate the risks to the structure, the best line of defense is a properly installed and functioning lightning protection system which has the capacity to intercept the lightning and subsequent surge, and safely conduct it to the earth. As wind turbine systems become more and more sophisticated, their vulnerability to lightning strikes is compounded. The systems which protect these structures from lightning generally will cost less than 1% of the total operational cost of the turbine, while improving both the reliability and cost effectiveness. (more…)

Is the future of renewable energy better surge protection devices?

The renewable energy industry is made up primarily of solar, wind and hydroelectric plants. These facilities convert free energy sources into electricity for public consumption, and provide the exact same product as the fossil fuel industry. The differences between the two are that the burning of fossil fuels in order to produce electricity produces particulate matter that is dispersed into the atmosphere and affects the air we breathe and the environment we live in, while renewable energy has no associated particulate matter to speak of. There are also costs associated with the fuel sources in fossil fuel energy production, as the materials that must be burned are finite and have a cost to purchase or mine them. There are no associated costs with renewable sources as the wind, sun and flowing water are free to harness. There is little debate as far as the environmental impact that fossil fuels have, and although there is disagreement as to the extent of that impact everyone agrees that comparatively renewable energy sources do not cause the same harm to the earth’s climate. So why then is there still a tendency for world governments to rely primarily on fossil fuels instead of expanding their access to renewable energy? The answer is cost. (more…)