Raycap News


Cutting the costs of renewable energy

Over the past decade, countries all over the world have been embracing renewable energy technologies for many reasons.  Renewable energy does not require a source of fuel to burn in order to produce power, which ultimately provides any country embracing a green energy future with power that can in theory be generated with little to no cost. Additionally it reduces the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the environment, and is thus less hostile to the environment upon which all creatures depend. Opponents of renewable energy will nearly always argue that green energy costs more than fossil fuel production to setup and maintain.  Ultimately, the different sources of power have costs that are nearly even, with the one derived primarily by the fuel costs, and the other derived primarily by equipment costs.  The playing field has been narrowing for many years as the technological advancements in green energy provide better performance and equipment lifespans.  Recent advancements in the surge protection industry have also been helping this, making it entirely possible for the first time in history to produce wind and solar power less expensively than traditional methods. (more…)

Leveling of playing fields through surge protection

The green energy movement is being watched not only by those interested in reversing greenhouse damage to the environment, but also by those who are simply “economically” aware.  This means that while some may monitor the current state of renewable energy sources with an eye towards how “green” sources of energy like wind and solar can reduce emissions, others are simply looking for a way to reduce their power bill.  People who are not activists or passionate about climate change may not necessarily be for or against any one source, but simply supportive of the cheapest methods of energy production for the masses.  This group cares mostly about the fact that the lights go on when they want them to, and that the bills associated with that power are affordable. (more…)

Solar Power Cost Reduction

Solar Power Cost Reduction

While the hardcore opponents of solar power can be considered generally suspect as far as their motivations, there are several issues that are still under development which will bring solar power production methods more into the mainstream.  There is been a far more widespread adoption of solar power as the primary production method in Europe than in the United States, probably because of more cultural aspects and a personal feeling of connection to the environment by the population. (more…)

PV Surge Protection For Solar Systems

PV Surge Protection For Solar Systems

As the interest in the installation of solar systems into residential homes becomes more popular, the issues that surround photovoltaic (PV) systems become more clear to the public.  The primary motivation for the installation of solar panels onto the roofs of residential homes is generally to save money, where solar power can be generated and then utilized by the residence, as well as be credited back to the power company in the region.  In many areas, the savings that can be found as a result of a home generating its own solar power can pay for the system within only a few years, legitimizing solar power as one of the primary methods of generating electricity moving forward.  (more…)

Surge Protection Systems For Green Energy Technology

Cost reductions through the extension of expected lifespans, as well as reductions in downtime due to maintenance and repair expectations are the most effective method of closing the gap between “green” energy production and fossil fuel energy production. At the core of all progress through technology is the presentation of the platform to the public for scrutiny and adoption. Some consumers will allocate a certain amount of acceptance and tolerance of situations that are less comfortable than others if there is a greater benefit to themselves or to society as a whole, but the general consensus of the masses will be to vote with their wallets. (more…)

Cost Reductions Solar Power The Best Choice

The exploration of “green energy” alternatives to fossil fuels has been at the center of debate for many years, and although there are few outside of fossil fuel insiders who would argue that solar power is not one of the best environmental choices, the adoption of a technology is generally made based on economics. While the attitudes of residents of developed nations may not all be in agreement regarding the necessity to reduce fossil fuel energy production on order to slow the effect of greenhouse gasses on the environment, there is rarely an argument put forth in support of the more expensive of two choices if that choice is also the more environmentally friendly. What this translates to is that the real choice between fossil fuels and solar power production of energy falls squarely on the costs of production. There are some who are willing to pay more for energy if it has less of an environmental impact, but the general choices of the population will gravitate towards the cheapest power available. (more…)

Wind Turbine Surge Protection

Strikesorb is the premier offering from Raycap for surge and lightning protection for wind power systems. To accommodate the need for green energy and next generation power technology, more wind farms continue to be built and current wind farms are being expanded. As this trend continues, both turbine manufacturers and wind farm owners/operators are becoming increasingly aware of the costs associated with damage to these systems from the environment. The costs that occurrs when a turbine sustains a lightning strike are in the monetary costs associated with the replacement of machinery caused by physical damage and the costs associated with the system being taken offline and becoming incapable of producing power. Electrical systems inside wind turbines are at risk and face continual challenges based on the open landscapes that often surround them because they are generally the tallest structures in an often times exposed area. (more…)

The Case For Surge Protection Systems For Wind Turbines

The continual change in climate conditions combined with the increasing dependence upon fossil fuels has dramatically increased interest in sustainable, renewable energy resources worldwide. One of the most promising technologies in green energy is wind power, which, except for high startup costs, would be the choice of many nations worldwide. For example, in Portugal, the wind power production goal from 2006 to 2010 was to increase to 25% of the total energy production of wind power, achieved and even surpassed in later years. While aggressive government programs pushing wind and solar energy production have expanded the wind industry substantially, with this increase in the number of wind turbines comes an increase in the likelihood of turbines being struck by lightning. Direct strikes on wind turbines have become recognized as a serious problem, and there are unique issues that make lightning protection more challenging in wind energy than in other industries. (more…)

Promotion of Green Energy Through Cost Reduction

Both solar power and wind power are internationally recognized as crucial components to the future of life in nearly every industrialized society on Earth.  The fossil fuel industry still dominates most cultures, with energy produced from the burning of coal, oil, wood or other elements used to produce heat and electricity, power our automobiles and cook our meals.  However it is widely recognized that there are multiple alternative methods of producing that electricity and energy including wind and solar power. (more…)