Raycap News


DC surge protection

DC surge protection is particularily necessary in several industries that utilize DC current in order to maintain service functionality.  Two major industrial applications of DC surge protection devices are the telecommunications industry, utilizing cell tower structures, and in the solar industry utilizing photovoltaic power plants.  Although the solar industry is more variable in its utilization of both AC and DC currents, the primary use of DC power is wider spread.  While there are numerous products on the market which provide a minimal level of surge protection for these types of installations, the Strikesorb line of SPDs (surge protective devices) are an excellent selection due to their superior mechanical construction and benefits. (more…)

Electrical protection

is the common phrase to describe the protection of electronic components from the damages that occur as a result of electrical surges.  This problem is quite common due to the fact that electrical flow across power lines is not fixed at a specific capacity, and instead has the ability to surge to unspecified levels, the maximum capacity being only capped by the amount that the supply lines themselves are designed to transfer.  Fluctuations in the power levels being transferred across supply lines are known as temporary overvoltages (TOVs) or transients and have the ability to damage or destroy equipment instantaneously.  This represents the primary reasoning behind the installation of electrical protective devices in between supply lines and prior to sensitive equipment in so many applications. (more…)

Industrial Surge Protection

Industrial Surge Protection is one of the single most important elements that needs consideration on every industrial application involving sensitive equipment, computers or data processing.  In the modern age, there is a significant amount of automation of nearly all operations on an industrial scale, assuring the ability to stay online during specified times, oftentimes 24 hours a day.  The majority of industrial applications have various characteristics in common across nearly every industry, generally utilizing a large amount of electricity.  The supply lines to the installation will have capacities far beyond those serving residences, and the probability of transients coming across those lines from the grid or lightning strikes is quite high.  The sheer expense of the machinery that is connected to these lines is reason alone for installation of surge protection devices, but when factoring in the potential for human life loss or outages, the choice to deploy electrical surge protection becomes clear. (more…)

Industrial Surge Protection Components

Industrial surge protection has become an industry that is necessary in order to create extend equipment life and conserve capital.  All businesses face similar challenges related to cash flow, and no industry is immune to the pressures that are associated with costs of doing business vs income.  As a result of these pressures, of the business of risk management has become huge business of  validating methods to keeping costs down while providing service to customers. These analysis generally involve extending the lifespan of industrial equipment in any way possible.  The expected replacement schedules of industrial equipment take into consideration wear from regular use, as well as a certain amount of expected natural occurrences which result in the need for replacement or repair.  It is here that industrial surge protection systems can be so beneficial to companies. (more…)

The Protection Of Wind Turbines From Electrical Surges

The protection of wind turbines from electrical surges produced by lightning strikes has become more and more crucial as the move toward wind-generated power grows in popularity.  Over the course of the last five years, the increasing interest in “green” energy from both an economic and sustainability aspect has created the need for ever increasing production of new energy sources like wind turbines, solar panels and other alternative energy technology.  The majority of “clean” power production shares a common element, the installation of mechanical elements and electronic components in remote areas that are subject to the harshest of weather conditions, including lightning strikes.  The damage that results from a lightning strike either directly to a wind turbine or coupled into power lines from a strike to a nearby structure is significant, and can range from catastrophic failures that need complete equipment  replacements to offline outages that require expensive maintenance and resetting to restore functionality.  While a direct lightning strike to turbine blades or the wind turbine structure itself will invariably produce mechanical damage, the surges that come from these strikes can be prevented from reaching the sensitive equipment of the installation, as long as the electrical protection systems are robust enough to prevent surges of this magnitude.  There are millions of lightning strikes every day across the globe, and the prevention of surge related damage to the systems that produce clean energy will help reduce costs and ultimately create a situation where wind-generated power will match fossil fuel power. (more…)

Surge Protective Device

There are many different types of industrial applications which utilize sensitive equipment in order to provide functionality, all of which should be outfitted with a surge protective device. In most cases this will be presented in the form of computerized machinery and data processing equipment or lines which will either provide accesses to networks or continually monitor/manipulate situations within the network in order to maintain ongoing operations. Advancements over the years have allowed for larger transfers of data with faster speeds and over larger distances, as well as tighter control over the machinery in play at any point, but with this advanced technology comes greater expense and risk with regards to electrical transients. All of these pieces of technology require certain levels of power to be supplied, and all have a tolerance threshold which cannot be breached safely. One of the most damaging and destructive phenomenon that can happen is the lightning created electrical surge, and without adequate protection against this phenomenon, a company can lose millions of dollars in an instant. The circuitry within modern computers and data processors are only able to withstand a minor fluctuation in current before damage or degradation happens, lightning strikes to the supply lines or the facilities themselves creating surges that are far out of this safety zone. The only effective method of damage prevention is suppression of the surge completely and totally, this being accomplished through the installation of surge protective devices which monitor electrical flow and instantaneously cut it off if necessary. (more…)

Wind turbine surge protection

Wind turbine surge protection is an absolute must if operators are to prevent the eventual failures of equipment and damage to components caused by lightning strikes.  Wind farms are generally positioned in remote locations, subject to harsh weather conditions including lightning strike related damage. If lightning strikes even near a wind farm the likelihood of residual surge damage is significantly increased if the wind turbine is left unprotected.  In fact, the majority of damage caused by lightning is as a result of indirect strikes to turbines having inadequate protection, or a combination of insufficient grounding or transient surge protection.  Lightning strikes will most times be associated with blades, however there is also significant risk of damage as a result of over-current and over-voltage transients which are brought about through both direct and indirect strikes.   There are roughly 1,700 active electrical storms at any time of day throughout the world, producing over 100 lightning flashes per second.  This means that there are upwards of 8 million lightning strikes every day, and cloud to ground strikes make up about 10% of this number.  The odds of a wind turbine being struck by lightning are high, and the resulting damages are not limited to component failure.  In addition to the obvious direct strike damage, there is also significant risk to people and structures in the form of step and touch potentials, side flashes and secondary events such as smoke inhalation, potential falling objects and water ingresses. (more…)

Surge Protection For Wind Turbines

Surge protection for wind turbines is a crucial addition necessary for wind farm operators to protect their investments, keep operations running and reduce ongoing expenses caused by electrical surges caused by lightning strikes.  Wind power is a key to the new energy development movement with the potential of helping countries reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. Countries and companies all over the world are beginning to fully realize the benefits of clean energy production, and as the explosion of interest in wind generated power increases, so does the need for effective protection of these structures and the systems that comprise them.  Wind turbines are generally the tallest structures in an area and often are located on high ground. As such they are often subjected to the harshest weather conditions including the thousands of electrical storms present on any given day across the globe.  These storms produce nearly 8 million lightning strikes per day. (more…)

Industrial Surge Protection

Industrial Surge Protection is the term that is used to describe the securing of data equipment, processors or other machinery from damage as a result of electrical surges. While the most severe kind of surge which will effect industrial applications is as a result of lightning, there are also surges which are produced by numerous other kinds of failures or errors. No matter what the source of an electrical transient, the only way to prevent damage to equipment is to prevent it from ever reaching the end point. In order to do this specialized industrial surge protectin equipment must be installed in between the source of the electrical surge and the equipment itself. The installation points are generally at junctures, electrical boxes and line joins. The power lines themselves are designed to allow for the most unrestricted flow of electricity possible, so the installation of these diversionary or breaker types of devices becomes crucial in order to prevent the flow when necessary. (more…)

Electrical Protection

Electrical Protection is crucial to the ongoing preservation of the sensitive components inside of computers and most high tech equipment that requires electricity through the power grid. Electrical protection devices will generally fall into two categories, those designed for consumer use within the home and those designed for industrial use to protect today’s complex and sensitive electronic equipment worth millions of dollars. Naturally, the levels of protection necessary for these two classes of equipment are vastly different. Raycap specializes in the manufacture and sale of electrical protection equipment that is designed for industrial use. (more…)