Raycap News


Industrial Lightning Protection

Industrial Lightning Protection is an industry that was born out of necessity. As advancements in sensitive electronic components capable of being damaged by even slight fluctuations in electrical current have grown, the necessity to protect that equipment from electrical surges has become more crucial. Because of the expense and more mission critical nature of electronic equipment being installed in industrial applications, advances in electrical protection became necessary. (more…)

RF Protection

RF Protection

RF Protection is an industry term to describe protective devices that are installed in order to shield radio frequencies, and are typically involved in modern base station transceiver equipment. In most cases the application involves protection RF and Coaxial data lines, which can be severely impacted by lightning strikes and the associated transient that follows. The area of concentration with regards to RF protection at Raycap involves the design of protective devices which can influence the experience of uninterrupted service within enclosed areas. Raycap designs and manufactures products which protect against the surges and spikes which can produce data failures and outages through the destruction of communication boards. Ongoing, unfettered communication within specific areas of service is our goal. (more…)

Lightning Strike Surge Protection

Most consumers will lead their daily lives without ever thinking about lightning strikes or the power surges that go with them. For the most part, this is an occurrence that will almost never have an effect on you, but this is generally because of the surge protection systems that protect you without your knowledge. You might think that the only effect that a power surge will have on you as far as a direct impact is if it occurs in a way that destroys the circuitry of your computer or smart TV at home. You probably have your home computer equipment plugged into surge strips or possibly a more elaborate UPS battery backup and surge protection combination, all of which protect your home electronics if some sort of malfunction was to occur. Transformer explosions are one of the most common forms of malfunction that can cause power surges to your home, but lightning strikes to equipment in the field can also have the same effect. Even the slight fluctuations in power levels that happen regularly in some areas can have a damaging effect on your computer equipment, shortening its life span if it is left on during the times when surges happen. This is not, however, the only impact that surges have on your life. (more…)

Keeping Green Energy Systems Online

Green energy is the future of energy production worldwide. There is basically no denying this fact because fossil fuel production methods rely on the burning of limited supply fuel sources, where green energy production does not. Any fuel source that is limited in supply will eventually run out, which ultimately puts any form of production that uses fuel sources that are not destroyed in place as better, no matter how it is perceived. Take this fact along with that green energy will eventually evolve to be cheaper than fossil fuels, and it is obvious that investment into green technology is a smart move. But how and why is the green energy technology market evolving and improving while the fossil fuel market is not? The answer lies in associated technologies like surge protection. (more…)

Data Surge Protection

“Data surge protection” or “signal surge protection” is probably a phrase that most people in the public sphere have never heard. Even though it is pretty easy to figure out that it is the protection of data from the damage that can happen as a result of power surges, what that exactly means and how it works is a mystery to many. This is probably because power surge protection happens in the background and does not directly impact most people with any regularity. Most modern power grids are remarkably well designed and generally will see little to no fluctuation in power during a day to day period. Surge protection is all about that instance that is not planned for, however. It is about that specific time when something goes wrong, even though there has been no previous issue for a long time. When a power surge happens it is unexpected and almost instantaneous, and the damage that will occur if your equipment is unprotected is not something that can be reversed. Even worse than the loss of the equipment itself may be the data that was being stored on or within the device that was damaged. Anyone who has crashed a computer knows this pain. You trust that your files and data will always be there because they have always been there before. Then suddenly they are no longer there, and you are forced to start over. This can cause extreme difficulties for most people, and even bigger difficulties for companies that rely upon data just to function. (more…)

Commercial Surge Protection Devices

A commercial grade surge protection device is a component that is installed at critical junctions within an industrial space, along wires and cables that attach to equipment. Their single purpose is to stop electricity from flowing past them, and while this may be achieved using different types of technology, the concept that they function within is the same. The flow of electricity is unencumbered until it passes a specific level, at which point the surge protection device stops the flow completely. This may be done by creating a gap that the flow cannot jump, or potentially divert the flow to an area where it can dissipate safely. The main point is that the electrical flow cannot pass through them if it is not within the safe range. The reason this is necessary is that the power lines and cables that connect computerized equipment together can handle a greater flow of electricity than the equipment itself can. One may ask, “well by not make the cables and wires only able to handle the same amount that the equipment can, in order to protect it?” The answer is that rewiring an entire installation if the power lines were to burn up is far more difficult than resetting or replacing an AC surge protection device, or DC surge protection device. The surge protection devices themselves are designed to not only protect equipment but also to be able to be reset or replaced with less effort than redoing the installation itself. This enables systems to be restored to functionality in a fast and easy way, saving equipment costs and also minimizing downtimes. (more…)

Are Commercial Surge Protection Devices Better Than Residential Surge Protection Devices?

Commercial grade surge protection that is utilized in industrial sites that have millions of dollars’ worth of equipment at stake is much the same as residential devices that protect your home computer. While the real differences are found in the surge protection type and technology as well as the robustness of the components in the device itself, the general way that the device functions is not very different in both applications. Think about it like this, there is water flowing down a stream that has a dam set up on it. Instead of the dam being closed in order to hold the water back, the opposite is true. The dam is wide open and allowing all of the water to flow past it without any restriction. The dam has a technological device attached to it that will close it completely if the water flow levels go above a certain point, and this device is set to perform this action instantaneously. The very second that the water goes above a certain point, the dam slams shut and cuts off the flow of water completely. Once the flow of water has returned to the safe levels, then the dam doors can be reset open and allow the water to flow. Surge protection devices work in this same way, only the water is electricity and the dam doors represent a gap or diversion that stops the electrical current. (more…)



TVSS is an older term in the electrical surge suppression industry, which is still used by some but is more frequently referred to today as SPD, or “Surge Protective Device.” The term TVSS stands for “transient voltage surge suppressor” and was officially replaced by Underwriter’s Laboratories in the recent past. TVSS devices, which will be referred to as SPDs for the remainder of this article, are interrupters which act as a cutoff of electrical spikes and temporary surges on AC power lines. SPD installation is not only suggested but is crucial for sensitive equipment which would sustain damage if such a surge was to happen on a connected AC power line. SPDs make up the most popular and most widely used of all surge suppression equipment today. (more…)

Lightning Protection For Cell Sites

Mobile network providers face higher equipment costs as the demands for expanded coverage areas and network speeds increase.  Customers are not only demanding faster networks, better connectivity and uptime from their network providers; they are also faster data rates and lower costs.  All of these increased capacities translate to higher expenses for operators, who must find ways to mitigate the costs by extending equipment lifetimes and eliminating risks associated with damage to the equipment on their cell towers and cell sites.  Raycap is a specialized company that engineers, produces and distributes technology that provides lightning protection and connectivity solutions for cell sites. (more…)

Protection Of Industrial Sites From Lightning

The protection of industrial sites from lightning is a necessary endeavor.  The equipment used for lightning protection at a typical industrial site is varied and available in different configurations depending upon the need at the site. The equipment to protect industrial sites from lightning and other electrical overvoltages in order to minimize downtime and avoid industrial equipment replacement costs.  Although the expensive and sensitive equipment that drives operations at factories and other industrial installations has an expected lifespan, the business plan will generally figure in an additional cost for replacement of components due to accidents and “less standard” occurrences such as lightning strike or other electrical damage, or theft.  One way to increase revenues retained by the business is to leverage equipment in order to minimize replacement costs and maximize the useful lifespan of equipment necessary for continuing operations.  The installation of lightning protection technology and systems from Raycap is an excellent way to leverage such assets. (more…)