Raycap News


Industrial Surge Protection Systems Are Critical To Productivity

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/industrial-surge-protection/

When one thinks about the damage that is associated with a lightning strike, the typical person will think about explosions and fires at the point where the lightning comes into contact with a structure or a component.  Naturally, businesses that are at risk of a lightning strike due to their generalized placement or their natural setups, are going to need to install protective measures against these instances or risk catastrophic loss of business equipment.  Most industrial businesses realize that they are targets for lightning strikes due to the fact that they are located in remote areas or feature the tallest structures in the region.  Additionally, many industrial processes will utilize metallic elements that are a natural attractant for lightning.  Most businesses will take steps to protect the critical equipment utilized in their processes by housing it inside of protected spaces.  (more…)

Industrial Facilities And Surges Produced By Lightning

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/lightning-surge-protection-for-residential-and-commercial-applications/

Surge protection and lightning protection may seem to be the same thing, but they are slightly different.  Surge protection itself can be defined as the utilization of devices and systems in a way which protect sensitive equipment from power fluctuations.  Lighting protection also involves surge protection but includes systems and methods which will divert lightning strikes from happening to a facility or structure.  The damage as a result of lightning can be found in multiple manifestations, the most obvious being the explosion and fire damage that happens at the strike point itself.  Lightning protection provides systems that will attempt to divert the lightning strike (more…)

Windmill Surge Protection

The wind power industry is still evolving, but ultimately the technology that goes into the manufacturing of electricity by capturing the force of  wind is not where the major evolutions are occurring. Using the wind to turn blades on windmills has been around for centuries, generally being used to perform some function that requires movement. This movement can be channeled into the performance of an action, and that action can be supplied to a wide variety of tasks. While windmills once were used to do things like grind grain or churn butter, they evolved into equipment which is  capable of manufacturing electricity. Electricity was originally created for public use through turbines connected to generators, ultimately resulting in the brushes inside of a generator moving and producing the product. The wind and windmills were able to perform the function of turning the generator brushes and the created electricity could be stored and supplied to those that need it. (more…)

Protecting The BSU

When you pick up a cell phone and make a call or connect to the internet, it seems to just magically connect. Your device seems to just automatically put you in touch with the things that you need, sending and receiving information “magically” through the air. Few people spend the time to look into the process that actually makes those connections happen, and fewer still understand the business behind the technology. We all complain about high cell phone bills and the lack of reception we will find in certain areas. We get irritated if the calls are not perfectly clear, or if it takes too long to download a picture. The technology that makes all these processes happen is truly amazing, and is continually improving to offer consumers even more than they currently have. (more…)

Your Data Surge Protection Plan

Your Data Surge Protection Plan

Read More:  https://www.raycap.com/data-surge-protection-2/

Ask anyone who has endured a computer crash if they regret not backing of their data before the incident happened.  Most people will go through their daily lives assuming that their computer acts like a storage drawer, where anything that you put inside it will ultimately be able to be retrieved.  Entire businesses have been built upon attempting to retrieve data that has been lost in the unfortunate event of a computer crash.  Suddenly, all of the things that were stored on the computer become more important to the person who owns it, some of it being regretfully lost forever and some of it potentially being able to be salvaged in exchange for a high price.  Most people are shocked by the cost of data recovery services, and are forced to decide based upon the value of the information vs.  the amount of cost to retrieve it.  Now imagine if this were the information that allows your business to operate in a streamlined fashion, or potentially to operate at all.  Data loss on that scale can be devastating.  Therefore, the small efforts that individuals will eventually take after learning their lesson the hard way are the same lessons that businesses will employ either before or after some form of data loss.  The smart businesses will plan before hand, and all the rest will plan after they have been subjected to the pains of losing data. (more…)

Electrical Protection Means Better Business Operations

Electrical Protection Means Better Business Operations

Read More:  https://www.raycap.com/electrical-protection-2/

Each business that is involved in production of some form of product or service is going to have operational costs.  These costs are going to range from the salaries of employees to the installation of the equipment necessary to the process.  The systems which physically generate products are going to wear out over time.  (more…)