Raycap News


Protecting The BSU

When you pick up a cell phone and make a call or connect to the internet, it seems to just magically connect. Your device seems to just automatically put you in touch with the things that you need, sending and receiving information “magically” through the air. Few people spend the time to look into the process that actually makes those connections happen, and fewer still understand the business behind the technology. We all complain about high cell phone bills and the lack of reception we will find in certain areas. We get irritated if the calls are not perfectly clear, or if it takes too long to download a picture. The technology that makes all these processes happen is truly amazing, and is continually improving to offer consumers even more than they currently have. (more…)

Your Data Surge Protection Plan

Your Data Surge Protection Plan

Read More:  https://www.raycap.com/data-surge-protection-2/

Ask anyone who has endured a computer crash if they regret not backing of their data before the incident happened.  Most people will go through their daily lives assuming that their computer acts like a storage drawer, where anything that you put inside it will ultimately be able to be retrieved.  Entire businesses have been built upon attempting to retrieve data that has been lost in the unfortunate event of a computer crash.  Suddenly, all of the things that were stored on the computer become more important to the person who owns it, some of it being regretfully lost forever and some of it potentially being able to be salvaged in exchange for a high price.  Most people are shocked by the cost of data recovery services, and are forced to decide based upon the value of the information vs.  the amount of cost to retrieve it.  Now imagine if this were the information that allows your business to operate in a streamlined fashion, or potentially to operate at all.  Data loss on that scale can be devastating.  Therefore, the small efforts that individuals will eventually take after learning their lesson the hard way are the same lessons that businesses will employ either before or after some form of data loss.  The smart businesses will plan before hand, and all the rest will plan after they have been subjected to the pains of losing data. (more…)

Electrical Protection Means Better Business Operations

Electrical Protection Means Better Business Operations

Read More:  https://www.raycap.com/electrical-protection-2/

Each business that is involved in production of some form of product or service is going to have operational costs.  These costs are going to range from the salaries of employees to the installation of the equipment necessary to the process.  The systems which physically generate products are going to wear out over time.  (more…)

The Future Of PV Systems Relies On Surge Protection

The green energy production methods that show the most promise of replacing fossil fuels as the primary source of energy production are wind and solar.  The debate between fossil fuel production techniques and green energy production techniques generally comes down to a discussion of money and pollution.  There is no doubt that wind and solar or a clean and form of energy production because they do not burn a fuel source in order to produce the energy that they are tasked to produce.  One would think that they would be cheaper as a result of not having to purchase this fuel as well, but this is not yet the case because the systems have not reached critical mass and because in some cases their designs make them more prone to damage as a result of exposure than fossil fuel systems are.  Therefore, there has not been a complete shift over to green energy as the primary production method at the current time.  Simply put, it still costs more to produce energy without burning a fuel source and polluting the environment, than it does to burn one.

The main reason for the inflated cost of using photovoltaic components is that they are not a low cost as they would be if they were being mass-produced, and also the exposed portions of the system will degrade over time as a result of weather. Because they are out in the weather, they can also be immediately destroyed by lightning strikes.  The costs of repair and maintenance of these exposed components are factored into the production costs, but ultimately do not make up the lion’s share of it.  Additional costs are found in damage to equipment as a result of surges in electricity that follow lightning strikes.  These power surges travel along any number of structures to the connecting cables and power lines that connect the solar or wind systems.  The electrical surge travels to the equipment that is connected from some distance away and overwhelms the circuitry inside, ultimately producing damage that must be repaired or replaced in order to put systems back online.  This inefficiency as well as added cost is problematic but can be driven down through the integration of more technologically advanced surge protection equipment installed at critical points within the system.  Through the creation of better surge protection devices, we can ultimately drive down the costs of repair and equipment replacement system-wide, thus producing a cheaper energy production system.  Technologically advanced surge protection devices from Raycap are assisting in this process through providing not only a more robust device itself, but also through the integration of cutting-edge technology that allows for the device to remain functional after the surge instance.  Many surge protection devices are rendered inoperable whenever a surge is detected and avoided, thus leaving the system vulnerable to subsequent surges as a result of multiple lightning surges.  Raycap devices do not self-sacrifice, enabling the system to remain fully functional even after the first or second surge instance, thus maintaining the level of protection that can drive down the ultimate cost of production.  Through these technological advancements, we see that green energy technology still has room to grow and ultimately become the more cost-effective solution.

Photovoltaic Surge Protection

Photovoltaic Surge Protection

Read More:  https://www.raycap.com/lightning-surge-protection-solar-panels/

The debate over a more widespread global adoption of green energy technology in order to produce electricity for public consumption, has been generally tied to the issues of pollution and economics.  The need to create cleaner methods of producing power is acknowledged by nearly everyone, because it is obvious that pollution is an issue.  The debate hinges on the economic discussion, the real issue being if the added cost of producing power in a cleaner way is worth the amount of damage that is being avoided.  Because there is no consensus on the specific amount of damage that is being done to our atmosphere, the discussion always comes back to the economics.  It is difficult to justify paying more for the same product when you cannot specifically see damage that is caused by cheaper manufacturing processes, and therefore public support ends up on the side of the less expensive.  It is confusing to many people as to why a manufacturing process that does not involve the purchase of a fuel source is more expensive than one that does.  (more…)