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Protecting Wind Turbines

Protecting Wind Turbines

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/wind-turbine-surge-protection/

The development of new and more innovative energy sources is critical to the ongoing development of the world. The human population is growing every year, and as it does so does the reliance upon energy to keep the innovations they have made moving forward. Every aspect of human life involves energy consumption of some kind, and outside of the food we eat this energy is produced to allow us to use devices to make our lives more convenient. As the population swells, so does the need to produce more and more electricity to satisfy this need, and the costs of production of that electricity are one of the biggest issues facing the world today. Inflation is now a global issue, and everything is costing more to produce and transport. This makes the development of new and alternative sources of energy more important than ever before, not only to satisfy the demand but also to help bring down the production costs themselves. There are no new innovations that are improving the cost basis of fossil fuel production methods, so the world is looking to wind and solar as the possible methods that will create less expensive power. The ongoing trajectory of costs involved in producing power these ways show promise.

The costs of wind power production do not involve the purchase of a fuel source, as the wind is free. Instead, the costs are seen in the ongoing operation and maintenance of the systems, as the equipment to generate this energy is expensive and at risk of damage. Wind towers must be positioned in unobstructed and open areas so as to harness the majority of the wind, but this setup also puts them at risk for lightning strikes. At any time there are more than 1700 active lightning-producing storms globally, and every flash of lightning poses a risk to nearby wind towers. The lightning usually strikes the tower top or the blades, creating damage at the strike point itself. But this then allows for a massive power surge to enter the structure and follow any conductive path towards the earth. Any equipment used in the process is at risk of damage from this power surge, and only through the construction of better materials and systems can these forms of damage be minimized. The construction of the blades using better composites that can withstand lighting strikes can keep towers functioning even after a strike. The integration of surge protection devices inside the turbines can protect the equipment in the structure from surge damage, and ultimately also helps keep the systems functioning for longer periods of time. This reduction in maintenance costs combined with the production of more power during the times when the wind is blowing help to make a more efficient and cost effective system, and draws us closer every day towards power that is less expensive to make than fossil fuel methods. The future is near, and is driven by the wind.

Why Wind Turbines Need Protection

Why Wind Turbines Need Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/wind-turbine-surge-protection/

The future of power production is green technology, not only because it is cleaner and will not have the negative impacts on the environment that fossil fuel methods do, but also because it can be less expensive. When discussing the costs of power production that can be consumed by the masses, we must look at the factors and elements that comprise that cost. With regard to fossil fuel methods, one of the primary costs associated with the process is the purchase or mining of fossil fuels which can be burned in order to move turbines. The movement of the turbines is the way that static electricity is produced and harnessed for processing and then use by the public. People have been using wind to move the blades of windmills for centuries, achieving their desired task. For the most part, this movement was used to push or pull, or potentially grind things. As of the last 100 years, people have started to figure out that this same movement can be used to generate static electricity using turbines. This means that the actual fuel source that is used is not one that costs money. Instead, it is free and the main cost basis is found in the care and maintenance of the equipment used in the process. Unfortunately, the positioning of this equipment puts it at constant risk of damage, much of which is caused by  lightning storms.

At any one point, there are nearly 1700 storms happening on the earth that can produce lightning. There are roughly 100 flashes of lightning every second on earth, each one capable of traveling to the ground and striking the most opportune target. Unfortunately, wind towers being the tallest structures in a region make them a primary target, causing strikes to the tower tops of blades to be common. Because of the damage to the blades, the wind towers become less efficient as they can capture less of the wind that is present. The lightning strike also causes a power surge that flows along conductive materials through the structure, generally damaging the equipment housed inside. This not only creates expense as far as repair, but takes the systems offline even though the wind is still present and able to generate power. Because of this inefficiency and other factors, as well as equipment cost, wind power has not yet been able to fully replace fossil fuel production methods.

Through the development of better and more resilient materials with which to construct the blades, and the integration of better ways to protect the sensitive electronics such as industrial surge protection devices inside the structures, the costs of operation can be greatly reduced while the outputs of each tower can be increased. Surge protection devices and systems are important to a future of more green energy power production, because their effective use can so dramatically reduce repair and replacement costs. By avoiding the damage in the first place, more power can be produced at lower costs. This is beneficial to both the environment and the consumer.

Wind Tower Surge Protection Systems

Wind Tower Surge Protection Systems

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/wind-turbine-surge-protection/

The traditional methods of power production for human consumption involve positioning a turbine over a heat source, which ultimately moves the turbines and generates static electricity for capture. That heat source is usually a bulk fuel that can be burned in order to generate the heat necessary. The fuels used in these capacities have been things like coal, oil and wood in the past, because they are relatively cheap and available in large quantities. The problems with these methods is that eventually these fuel sources will become more scarce and more expensive as a result. As the human population continues to swell, this is becoming more of a reality every day. The need to develop methods of generating power in a way that can not only satisfy the huge demand but also do it at a lower cost is a critical problem that the world needs to solve.

One method that shows promise of being able to achieve this task is wind power. The same types of turbines are used to generate power this way, only it is not a heat source that is causing them to turn. Instead, the wind blowing over the blades of a wind tower causes the movement necessary to produce the static electric charge. The drawbacks to this method are that the wind must be available to accomplish the goal, and there are expenses involved that are typically not seen in other methods. All the parts and pieces needed to make a wind turbine make the structure very expensive to manufacture. As well, the effort to transport and position these structures in the field, and the sensitive electronic equipment installed inside the structures to make them work efficiently mean that the total costs are enormous. Lastly, when they are finally installed and brought online their exposure to the elements is a threat. At any point in time there are storms happening all over the globe that produce lightning, and this lightning is always seeking the tallest structure in a region to strike. It is the nature of lightning to seek the path of least resistance to earth. Because the tops of the towers or the blades must be unobstructed by other structures to perform at their top capabilities, this makes the towers themselves a significant target. The strikes to the blades causes damage, and the power surge that follows causes additional damage to the equipment inside the structures. The power surge travels along all the conductive surfaces, coupling into the cables and wires that connect the equipment. This means a chain reaction of damage happens after each and every strike, even if it not a direct strike but a nearby one. The potential for damage can be reduced through the use of better materials in blade construction, and by the integration of industrial surge protection into the towers. By avoiding the damage to the blades using more robust materials, as well as the damage to the equipment downstream using surge protection devices, the threat of damage can be reduced or maybe eliminated. Through the ongoing development of better technologies used in these processes, we find that the costs can be reduced at the same time the capacities are improved. The result is less expensive and more plentiful power that does not rely on fossil fuels.

Wind Turbine Surge Protection

Wind Turbine Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/wind-turbine-surge-protection/

As global prices of nearly everything are being severely increased by inflation, we find there may be a renewed interest on the public’s part in developing alternative energy solutions. In the past, green energy was viewed as a method of replacing the methods used by power production companies that depleted the earth of fossil fuels. These methods also contribute to pollution, which cannot be denied even by those who do not believe pollution impacts the environment and changes it. While these concepts are certainly true, inflation has shifted the thought process to many to alternatives that are less expensive to produce. While we may only now be entering a time when the efficiency of green energy techniques are coming into line with fossil fuel production methods in terms of the cost to produce, the trajectory of the cost reduction shows promise that these methods can be further developed as a viable energy sources while also experiencing reduced prices. After all, the fuel used is “free,” with the only costs having to do with producing the methods of production, the actual operation, and the maintenance of the systems. The reason alternative energy was more expensive to maintain is the potential for damage in the field to the collection devices as a result of weather, specifically lightning and the resultant power surge. Through new techniques designed to not only create more robust systems that can better withstand weather patterns, but also by installation of industrial surge protection devices that can thwart the subsequent surges, there is a potential for less expensive alternative energy systems.

There are roughly 1700 active electrical storms globally at all times, and this translates to about 100 flashes of lightning per second. Lightning is the enemy of wind power, as it will generally choose the path of least resistance to the earth. A wind power production facility consists of wind towers that are designed to be tall and unobstructed, which allows better flow of the wind across the blades. This also makes those same towers the optimal choice for lightning to strikes as they are often the tallest structures in the area. The lightning will usually strike the blades of the turbine or the tower top, creating damage at that point. The lightning creates a power spike that then follows any conductive material from the strike point toward the earth, overwhelming the sensitive electronic equipment housed within the tower or connected to it by cables. The damage downstream from the strike point can be minimized or even eliminated through the integration of specialized wind turbine surge protection devices which will stop the  overvoltage and keep it from the connected equipment. By reducing damage to sensitive  circuits as well as the construction of blades from better composite materials, wind energy costs can be driven down significantly. By reducing the repair costs of the actual equipment as well as the labor to restore them to functionality, we will see the uptimes of production increase. This can create a power generation method that is less expensive and more efficient, which is necessary for the world in today’s climate.

Wind Turbines And Surge Protection

Wind Turbines And Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/wind-turbine-surge-protection/

One of the most important types of technology in the present time is wind power generation and the wind turbine. This technology is so important because even though windmills have been performing tasks for hundreds of years, using them to generate electricity is a relatively new and vital progression. Moreover, as the world’s population swells to numbers never before, most of these people will consume electricity. Because of this dependence, the need to find ways to generate more and supplement the existing systems becomes more critical. In a nutshell, using traditional methods, we are quickly exhausting the fuels we need to burn to generate electricity. To be able to replace fossil fuel production, alternative energy sources like wind and solar power must evolve further. In addition, green energy shows promise to be generated with less cost than traditional methods as long as technology improves.

How can green energy be improved from a cost and production standpoint to allow energy to cost the consumer less? Production methods need to be protected from damage, and the uptimes improved to enable production to happen for more extended periods. Currently, one of the highest wind power production costs is the maintenance and repair of the existing systems. The size and makeup of the equipment, and the need to position it in open areas, put it at risk. Wind towers need to be unobstructed and tall to capture the existing wind at any one time fully. Unfortunately, their structures make them prime targets for lightning strikes, damaging the equipment, taking them offline, and costing money to restore. If a wind tower is damaged, it is offline and not producing power even though the wind is blowing. The uptimes can be extended, and the damage minimized through improvements to the materials and the systems. These improvements come through using better materials for the blades, so they can withstand lightning strikes without being destroyed and by integrating effective and technologically-advanced surge protection devices within the structures. When lightning strikes the upper area of a wind turbine, it sends a power surge throughout the system, overwhelming and damaging much of the equipment used in the process of power generation. But the integration of effective surge protection devices protects sensitive equipment. If it is in the path of the surge, the equipment can be saved, and the money it takes just to produce the power can be lessened. The ability to keep the towers producing more energy when the wind is available helps the site’s profitability and reduces operational costs that producers must bear to stay in business. The ultimate result is cheaper and more reliable power for the masses, which can potentially help the environment and people’s finances.

Solar Power Generation and PV Protection

To understand the necessity of PV surge protection (photovoltaic surge protection), we must first understand how solar power generation works. While it is far more complex than the basics stated here, it ultimately involves the collection of sunlight on specialized panels positioned outside in sunny areas. These panels must be placed in open areas to collect as much sunlight as possible. Being obstructed or shaded will impact the system’s effectiveness, and even though it might provide a certain amount of protection, that protection is not worth risking the ability of the system to produce power. Being out in the open makes solar panels a perfect target for weather events, including lightning strikes. While solar panels are relatively easy to replace, the principal forms of damage to the system’s performance are not found in the panel damage. Instead, they are found within the high-tech electronics equipment used in the collection process and connected to the panels.

Solar power positions sunlight-collecting panels in the field, allowing that sunlight to superheat liquid within a sealed system. That liquid expands and flows across turbines, causing them to move and create static electricity, which is then harnessed and processed for sale to consumers via a grid system. Unfortunately, a lightning strike on or near a solar farm can create a massive power surge. This surge can couple onto the conductive framework of the solar farm and travel along the connectivity lines. In this way, it spreads between the panels and the rest of the equipment, taking the solar farm offline. This power surge overwhelms the equipment, which can only operate within a specific power range. Anything outside that range causes damage to the circuitry. When this happens, a far more complex and expensive restoration must occur, delaying the return to functionality necessary to continue producing power when the sun is shining.

Integrating PV surge protection devices along the pathways that lightning power surges can travel effectively reduces this damage and isolates the costs of repairing the panels themselves. Technologically-advanced surge protection equipment installed at solar power generation plants will stop the damage that a lightning surge can cause and increase the plant’s productivity. This simple solution enables plant operators to reduce the damage caused by lightning strikes and keep their systems functioning for extended periods while the sun shines. The potential for cost reduction and increased power production is found by systematically reducing the field damage to these systems and increasing output. Alternative energy costs can eventually be brought down below those of fossil fuel production. In doing so, we may be able to finally enter a time when electricity does not destroy the planet and cost us our entire paychecks as well.

PV Systems Rely On Surge Protection

PV Systems Rely On Surge Protection

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/photovoltaic-surge-protection-explained/

Solar power generation is a fantastic technology, essentially creating electricity from nothing. This means that while other power generation methods require a fuel source that must be destroyed to make electricity, solar power systems do not. For this reason, a solar power system is technically infinite because it can keep making power as long as the sun is shining and the system is online and functioning. The way this is achieved is technologically advanced, with sunlight being collected on specialized panels and then converted into heat that expands a liquid within a sealed system. This expansion of liquid creates movement as the fluid flows through the system, eventually passing through turbines that move to create static electricity. This electricity is then captured and delivered to customers through a grid system. This generation differs from fossil fuel methods that need to take a fuel source like coal, oil, or wood and burn it to create the same heat delivery to the system, resulting in the movement of the turbines. Burning any fuel source creates pollution and damage to the atmosphere, as well as being both costly and finite. Simply put, fossil fuels may be plentiful at the current time, but they will eventually become more scarce. That scarcity will create inflation if the prices charged for a single unit of electricity are passed off to the consumer for the company to remain profitable. There has long been an understanding that renewable energy sources can create power more cleanly as well as less expensively, but the technology is still evolving to that point.

Due partly to field maintenance, solar power is not currently able to be produced at a lower cost than fossil fuel methods. The upkeep of the parts that get continually damaged in the field due to natural occurrences that happen during storms contributes to the high cost of operating solar power plants. Lightning flashes hundreds of times every second on earth, and every one of those flashes can produce a strike that is a risk to equipment. Because of the exposed positioning of solar panels in the field, they are often in the lightning’s path. When a solar panel is struck, it will need replacement, which is a relatively easy thing to do. The more difficult and expensive part of the maintenance is the damage to the connected electronics equipment caused by the resultant power surge. When this equipment is damaged at the circuit level by the overvoltage, it becomes useless and must be replaced. The only real way to avoid this damage is to integrate an elaborate system of PV surge protection devices. These products or systems are positioned to cut off the flow of electricity if it exceeds a specific range. The integration of PV surge protection devices and systems is the greatest defense against damage currently known and will be one of the reasons that solar power ultimately becomes the mainstay.

PV Protection Of Solar Systems

PV Protection Of Solar Systems

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/photovoltaic-surge-protection-explained/

The invention of solar power production is one of the most important developments of our life concerning improving people’s ability to access electricity. Although some refuse to believe this, our systems of producing electricity by burning fossil fuels cannot be sustained forever. Many people think fossil fuels are also contributing to climate change, which everyone agrees is destroying the quality of life for many people. The obvious impacts of the current methods of power production are pollution and changes to the climate, where burning fossil fuels creates dirty air that often is not safe to breathe. This “air pollution” leads to cancers and other respiratory diseases and worsens the atmosphere. These impacts need to be reduced or reversed if a livable future is to be had by our children, and this cannot happen if we continue using the same methods that are creating the issues. If anything, they will only worsen as the increasing demand for electricity from a growing population makes the need to generate more. The other less obvious issue is that the fossil fuels we burn to create electricity are limited in availability. There is a time in the future when these resources will become more scarce than they currently are, which will drive up the costs of electricity significantly. Therefore we have to find a viable alternative that can sustain energy production demands and is reliable and cheap enough to replace the current production systems.

Solar power production does not burn fossil fuels to turn turbines. Instead, it collects sunlight on panels that heat liquid within a sealed system. This liquid expands and flows through pipes, turning the turbines the same way the heat from fossil fuel burning does. This system relies upon the sun as a fuel source, ultimately making power production possible as long as the sun is shining, without impacts on the environment or air. The only real issues to solve are increasing output to an amount large enough to sustain large metropolitan areas and doing it at a cost that is within reason. The production prices must be passed off to consumers to maintain profitability, so finding ways to reduce maintenance costs is critical for solar power to take off. A genuine and crucial issue is the ongoing damage that comes with lightning strikes to panels. The exposed equipment is often in places prone to lightning and strikes damage the panels as a result. While replacing the panels themselves is not that big of an issue, the power surge that results from a lightning strike and travels through the conductive parts of the system is problematic. This power surge starts at the panel and moves along connected components, overwhelming the control equipment and damaging it downstream. Because of this additional damage, restoring the solar park to productivity can be lengthy and costly, impacting the prices that must be charged and the capacities that can be produced. Only through the integration of adequate and highly effective PV surge protection can these damage issues be addressed, and the systems relied upon as a primary method of energy production.

PV Protection Against Lightning

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/photovoltaic-surge-protection-explained/

Solar power generation is one of the world’s most promising technologies today regarding widespread change and improvement. This method is so essential for development because many of us realize that the amount of time we have access to fossil fuels is limited. Our current energy production methods, which provide electricity to nearly the entire industrialized world, involve burning fossil fuels to turn turbines.

This process system is antiquated, yet it is still the standard that is relied upon by hundreds of millions of people. This system relies on burning materials that can be found in bulk quantities like coal, oil, or wood. Naturally, there are two problems with a system designed this way. First, it is very dirty and creates pollution when the fuel sources are burned.

This pollution will impact those that breathe the air in the surrounding areas and the environment, which affects everyone across the globe. We have seen declines in air quality and atmospheric protection for as long as these systems have been used. This is bad for all living things and needs to change. The second issue is that a system that uses fuel sources must have that fuel source to operate. Fossil fuels are plentiful but not infinite. This fact means that there is a time in the future when they will effectively run out. Acceptable alternative energy sources that can produce enough electricity to satisfy the current and future demands must be achieved before that happens.

Wind and solar technology are widely viewed as those alternative solutions. Both technologies use a free fuel source to move the turbines used to generate electricity. The fuel source of either sun or wind is infinite and does not create pollution because it is not being burned. In the case of solar, a panel that collects sunlight and heats a liquid within a sealed tube system is positioned to take good advantage of the sun’s exposure. The expansion of that liquid causes it to flow and ultimately move the turbines that provide the static charge.

Currently, it is proven that electricity can be generated in mass quantities using this method and that it is reliable and safe. The issues now are expanding the systems to produce ample energy to satisfy the demands of large metropolitan areas and costs. Costs of producing solar energy are often felt in the damage to collection systems, which must be repaired to restore functionality and improve volumes. One way this damage occurs is through lightning strikes to the exposed panels. These surges send a surge along the connectivity cables to other equipment in the chain, overwhelming the equipment’s circuitry. This type of damage can only be avoided by installing PV surge protection in a redundant fashion in solar power systems, therefore driving down costs and improving productivity. PV surge protection is the key to developing a viable alternative in the future.

Photovoltaic Surge Protection Devices

Photovoltaic Surge Protection Devices

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/photovoltaic-surge-protection-explained/

Photovoltaic surge protection devices are specialized components that are integrated into photovoltaic systems to prevent surge damage from lightning strikes. The primary use for photovoltaic technology is electricity generation for public consumption, with solar power producers providing the primary market. This technology positions a panel that collects sunlight into an open and sun-rich area. This panel collects the sunlight and transforms it into heat which is then applied to a liquid held within a sealed tubing system. The fluid expands and flows to create movement in turbines that are also within the system. These turbines move to make a static electricity charge which is then distributed to customers via a power grid system. Solar power, along with wind power, is an alternative to the traditional methods of fossil fuel burning for power generation. It is significantly cleaner and produces no damage to the atmosphere. Prices charged for a single unit of electricity created using this method are also quickly dropping. Because PV systems do not rely upon a fuel source that must be mined and then destroyed, they ultimately have no fuel costs. Fossil fuels burn when used in this task, creating air pollution. They are are also limited, even though it appears that currently they are still plentiful. Eventually, they will become scarce as electricity consumption continues to rise. Ultimately they will need to be replaced by a “greener” energy source and method. No system can be sustained forever if its fuel source must be destroyed, which is why there is such an interest in further development of solar as the primary “alternative” method of electrical power generation.

Why does solar power cost more than fossil fuel technology when there is no cost for the fuel itself? The answer is hiding in the upkeep of the solar production facilities themselves. Solar power generation needs a solar panel positioned in a way that can collect the most sunlight possible. That solar panel must be connected via cables and wires to additional equipment used in the process. Because the solar panels must be unobstructed to function to their fullest potential, they are at risk of weather events, including being struck by lightning. When lightning strikes, it often damages the panel, rendering it useless and needing replacement. But such a strike also creates a massive power surge which, if allowed to move into the solar park, will travel along connection cables and overwhelm the circuitry of all the connected electronic equipment. The same functionality of the system allows the damage to happen so quickly, so the best method of minimizing damage is to integrate PV surge protection devices along these pathways. These devices stop the flow of electricity if it exceeds a specific range and doesn’t allow the electricity to reach any equipment beyond this point. The activation of a surge protection device temporarily ceases functionality in the event of a lightning strike but allows for restoration to happen quickly and far less expensively. Because of photovoltaic surge protection devices, prices are coming down, and the potential for more efficient power generation systems is increasing.