RMx-E Series Combo Meterbase for Small Cell
AC Disconnects
Raycap’s AC disconnect, load center, and surge protection devices are Suitable for Use as Service Equipment (SUSE). They are designed to provide robust overvoltage surge protection for the AC power circuits for small-cell radio sites. They employ Raycap’s patented Strikesorb® 30-A-2CHV or 30-A modules which are UL 1449 Listed and Class I/II SPDs, certified by VDE per the IEC 61643-11 standard as suitable for installation in areas where induced lightning exposure is expected. Strikesorb modules are capable of withstanding direct surge currents up to 5kA (10/350 µs) and induced surge currents up to 60 kA (8/20 µs).
Our AC Disconnect products are available with a variety of features, designs, and form factors. Contact us to find the right AC Surge Protection solution for your needs.

- Many products are Suitable for Use as Service Equipment (SUSE) without conditions per UL and NEC
- Employs the Strikesorb 30-A-2CHV Surge Protective Device (SPD)
- Strikesorb offers unique protection levels for wireless and small-cell applications
- Patent-pending design
- Pole mount brackets facilitate mounting up to 4″ diameter poles using existing clamps.
- Products can also be banded to any diameter pole. Center mount holes (5/8″) for center pole mount
- Most products are NEMA 4 rated enclosures
- Lightweight design allows easy installation
Resources Downloads
- Small Cell Surge Protection Position Paper-G09-00-156
- AC Disconnects with Complete Service Entrance Functionality Datasheets
- AC Disconnects Suitable for Installation in Challenging Environments Datasheets
- AC Disconnects that Provide Top-Bottom Cable Conduit Access Datasheets
- AC Disconnects that Include Load Breakers 2A to 5A Datasheets
- AC Power Distribution Only Datasheets