Raycap News

PV Protection Against Lightning

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/photovoltaic-surge-protection-explained/

Solar power generation is one of the world’s most promising technologies today regarding widespread change and improvement. This method is so essential for development because many of us realize that the amount of time we have access to fossil fuels is limited. Our current energy production methods, which provide electricity to nearly the entire industrialized world, involve burning fossil fuels to turn turbines.

This process system is antiquated, yet it is still the standard that is relied upon by hundreds of millions of people. This system relies on burning materials that can be found in bulk quantities like coal, oil, or wood. Naturally, there are two problems with a system designed this way. First, it is very dirty and creates pollution when the fuel sources are burned.

This pollution will impact those that breathe the air in the surrounding areas and the environment, which affects everyone across the globe. We have seen declines in air quality and atmospheric protection for as long as these systems have been used. This is bad for all living things and needs to change. The second issue is that a system that uses fuel sources must have that fuel source to operate. Fossil fuels are plentiful but not infinite. This fact means that there is a time in the future when they will effectively run out. Acceptable alternative energy sources that can produce enough electricity to satisfy the current and future demands must be achieved before that happens.

Wind and solar technology are widely viewed as those alternative solutions. Both technologies use a free fuel source to move the turbines used to generate electricity. The fuel source of either sun or wind is infinite and does not create pollution because it is not being burned. In the case of solar, a panel that collects sunlight and heats a liquid within a sealed tube system is positioned to take good advantage of the sun’s exposure. The expansion of that liquid causes it to flow and ultimately move the turbines that provide the static charge.

Currently, it is proven that electricity can be generated in mass quantities using this method and that it is reliable and safe. The issues now are expanding the systems to produce ample energy to satisfy the demands of large metropolitan areas and costs. Costs of producing solar energy are often felt in the damage to collection systems, which must be repaired to restore functionality and improve volumes. One way this damage occurs is through lightning strikes to the exposed panels. These surges send a surge along the connectivity cables to other equipment in the chain, overwhelming the equipment’s circuitry. This type of damage can only be avoided by installing PV surge protection in a redundant fashion in solar power systems, therefore driving down costs and improving productivity. PV surge protection is the key to developing a viable alternative in the future.