Raycap News

The New Generation And Solar Power

The New Generation And Solar Power

Read More: https://www.raycap.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Protection-of-Solar-Power-G09-00-001-2.pdf

There are always divides between generations in terms of their ideals and how they believe the world should be governed. Each transition of power between older and younger people has been met with push back from the generation in power as they see the choices they believed as correct rejected and replaced with ideas that are sometimes completely opposite. If progress was made in a straight line, with the ideals of the previous generation being embellished and embraced by the next, then there would not be generational gaps that cause discord. Unfortunately, the generation that replaces the past generation rarely agrees with the choices that were made, especially if those choices seemed to benefit the past at the expense of the future. This is the way that the new generation that is coming into power sees the previous one, especially in regard to the choices that were made that impact the planet. The next generation sees the previous one as embracing fossil fuel energy production simply to save themselves money, knowing full well that it was destroying the planet for the next generation. As the previous generation loses power, we are seeing a large-scale shift in the perception of green energy production as not only viable, but completely necessary. The new generation believes that our selfish choices have created climate change, and they inherited it because we chose to not do anything to change things. We made the choice of production methods that would harm the atmosphere instead of investing into renewable methods, and they are paying the price.

The new generation knows that technology can change things quickly. As a result of this understanding, they have almost completely eliminated one of the primary arguments against solar power: that it is too expensive to produce. By identifying the issue that was hindering adoption, they realized that by driving down costs through innovation and continuous improvement of systems they could remove the cost argument that was ultimately creating climate change. They pushed for the integration of preventative measures in these power systems, such as the introduction of very reliable surge protection systems, in order to protect components from power surges after lightning strikes. This one small thing drives costs down by extending the expected life span of the system’s components. They pushed for less expensive, higher energy creating capacity solar panels that could be effectively replaced quickly and easily after the unavoidable lightning strikes that damage them in the field. This ensures systems can be restored to functionality quicker after damage occurs, putting systems back online faster and therefor producing more electricity during peak production while the sun is shining. Through innovative ideas like these, the next generation is ushering in more effective and less destructive power generation systems that will replace the ones that were embraced by the past generation. As a result, people will have power for their homes at lower prices and with less damage to the planet as a result. The generation gap in thinking may create strife at the time it is transitioning, but the outcome is nearly always positive.